Wednesday, May 29, 2019

The Mystery Journal of Aloe, Vol. 5

Hello, Aloe! Nice to hear from you again. Hope to talk to you soon.



Things are finally slowing down. 

Herbie and I got breakfast after I dodged his attempts at another session of mutual masturbation. I learned that he came to Scritch City on a bus with a bunch of other people seeking refuge in the church. His puns and general attitude have pushed everyone else away and he is aware of it... I like Herbie, I really do, and it's sad that the rest of his "friends" want nothing to do with him, but I can't be anyone's anchor right now. 

After, I tried to make amends with Patrick (the Pepe le Pew cosplayer). Well... After a brief meeting with Ms Perkins. She's a teacher! And she wants me to be her student... You know, after a bit of reflection I think she wants me as more than just a student. Good God is everyone here horny twenty four seven? She's nice though. She's gentle... soft... and best of all, low energy. I could use some low energy people in my life again. I wish Enzo was here. He was always good at calming me down when things were getting overwhelming. 

Speaking of overwhemlimg... back to Patrick. I tried my best to explain to him that I wasn't a full member of the church and he heard me... but... as soon as I said I wanted to join the church he tried to fling himself on me again. I know he is just playing his role but I'm not ready for him. I did manage to slip away into the kitchen. I sorta... well I met another skunk named Syent eariler when Herbie and I got breakfist. He's super nice and relaxed.  I kinda led Patrick to him. I thought Syent could help but... Patrick just turned his attention to him. It let me get away, but I feel kinda bad for Syent. Unless he's ok with all of Patrick's... well everything. I think I'm going to avoid Patrick as much as possible. I gave him two chances...

Anyway, I took refuge in my room until Quentin came and got me. He asked again about me joining the church and honestly I don't have any other plans right now. I think my best bet would be to stay with the church. Quentin has offered me another chance at life. At making something of myself. I'd be an idiot not to accept such an offer. I know I can be useful to the church. Even if they don't take advantage of my thieving skills I used to have a secondary job in my ex-family as a chef! 



Quentin is driving me somewhere to meet new people now. I think I'm going to go back to that blog and read a bit more about the city. 

Oh jeez... There it is. The very next blog Quentin revealed his name. There is this fascination with a “Baphomet” guy. I hope his name is just that... a name and not the actual Baphomet of folk lure. I mean... I'd never normally believe in mythical beigns but after my meeting with the Fairy Ermine I'm more inclined to believe. Is Quentin trying to overcome a literal deity?

Ok Aloe... Next blog. The next blog is the actual interview with the same Quentin that's driving me in his car right now. Good thing he's focused on the road right now. 

Oh for... Now Quentin is talking about coming from an alternate reality. And... this Baphomet is responsible for destroying Quentin's original reality? I'm about to throw myself from this moving vehicle. Is everyone here crazy!? Am I crazy? 

Crux... yeah let's not even go there. This Baphomet sure speaks like he's some kind of mystery entity. Like one of those guys from high school who always wore a black trench coat and thought it was cool to be “random”. Yikes. 

And side note: Avoid Eddie at all costs.

I guess I need to address this at some point, so I might as well do it now. Quentin... I don't know why I'm so weary of him upon reading up on this blog. So what if he's some criminal? News flash Aloe, so are you. You've robbed museums, planted false evidence in the homes of politicians, and so much more. No more doubting. No more internal struggles. You are strong! You are sneaky! You are safe with Quentin! You need to chill and show your worth to him. 

Oh! We're here. I'm not sure where, but Quen just parked.


I'm really beginning to enjoy these. She's reading about me, and I'm reading about her. I wonder what she looks like. It's just killing me to not know.

Come on, girl. Send me an email! The world is ready for you... and so am I. ❤️


  1. Everyone uses everyone in Scritch City, and usually for sex, one way or another. Aloe liked Syent but had no qualms about using him as a sexual meat shield, though she avoids confessing this selfish act. Baphomet is indeed transdimensional and it seems traveling the multiverse is no escape from him. It doesn't help that Quentin hopes to use the bastard.

    1. Hey now! I didn't use him a shield! I was just trying to get away from Patrick! I thought as a fellow skunk Scynt could talk some sense into him.
      Don't shame me until you've had a crazed rapey skunk after you! :C

  2. Not surprising that Aloe is planning to stay with the church. Aloe is literally along for the ride, Quentin has some dangerous ambitions involving Baphomet. Poor Aloe...

    1. This is all going to crash soon. I'm looking forward to it.
