Sunday, August 6, 2023

My Dear Vixxie

I spent a few hours in bed with Vixxie, staring at my laptop. I could have gotten up to write a blog, but I didn't want to leave her for a while. She missed me; I could tell. She had spent the entire time I was away at the Tailhole Club looking for things to do. Apparently she spent an interesting time with Officer Dakota. I'd be lying if I said I didn't find that just a little attractive.

Vixxie knows I sleep around. She knew that one of the reasons I went to the Tailhole Club was to have sex with people, complete strangers honestly. She knew. Vixxie knows I am a hedonist, and, in her strange childlike innocence, she simply accepts it.

Despite being the original creator of this world, there is still the concept of fidelity. Cheating on your partner can still lead to broken hearts, sadness and anger. It happens this way because the concept of betrayal is still extant. I couldn't think of a way to change this. I can make a hedonistic society, but I can't remove the very concept of betrayal. People still hurt because of this.

Indeed, I loosely know of a world where this sort of thing is more of a concern. Actually, it exists in this world in the surrounding United States. They still have not crossed the line that Scritch City has, although their temptation is great. I wouldn't be surprised if they fell inline with this tiny, little citystate located in the middle of Nevada.

As for Vixxie, she knows of my betrayal, but she doesn't fully comprehend what it is. Not fully, only partially. She knows I am betraying her, but she accepts it as something that makes me happy. She also knows that I will always come back to her. How can she not? I brought her back from the dead. That's a little difficult to ignore.

Vixxie is my wife. We are a married couple. I love her dearly. The things that we share are stronger than any relationship I have had with anyone else in my long life. I genuinely love her. I love her more than sex. I don't even need to have sex with her to love her... although I do have sex with her. I had just finished having sex with her before I began writing this.

Oddly, just being able to fuck around in the Tailhole Club made me want her all the more. By the time I left that building, I was dying to be with her. I was lusting after her intensely. She gives me a comfort no one else can. I love her so much.

There is a look in her eyes which is somewhat difficult to describe, but I shall try. It is like looking into the wondering eyes of a child. Vixxie isn't really innocent. She's been through too much to be innocent anymore. But she accepts things with a simple heart in a way that no other character of mine can. It's sweet, adorable, and wonderful to behold.

Obviously this is a side effect of being born inside a children's book. It's just her type. She can't help but be this way. There is a purity of spirit within her that will never, ever be destroyed.

As I said, Vixxie knows I sleep around. She understands that I am a horny deviant, and I am. I am who I am, and she is who she is. We accept one another, and we always shall.

As far as news in Scritch City, the counsel has met for the first time after the takeover of Sol Invictus. I did not participate. They are probably dealing with preparations for his arrival and implementation into the culture of the world.

Also there was a large pinwheel shape that suddenly appeared across the parking lot of the Tailhole Club. It appears to be some sort of early version of a swastika. It has freaked out Baphomet a little bit, as much as he can be freaked out. The man is generally very chill. It's good to see we are still on such good terms. Either way, I suspect some very interesting things are coming to this city real soon.

As far as my writing, a new book is drawing to its completion. It's still gonna be a while, but it's beginning to wrap up. For now, check out my most recent book "Platformer." Here is some information:


$14.99 - Paperback Edition
$5.99 - Kindle Edition