Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Slave Trading in Scritch City

[The following blog was posted under the authority of Prince Ara of the Predatory Union and by his faithful servant, Nestor.]

A very difficult prospect to say the least. It isn't that the city-state is not open to the idea. It's only that they are a bit shy about it. But the yearning is there. And we dragons are very interested in striking up a bit of thought on the matter.

Although it was agreed to, between Prince Ara and Miss Silky, that anyone who claimed consent to slavery would be free game for us, it just... is not something that's been happening. We have had a few who get close, such as our little friend Daxter, but nobody really wants to go the full mile.

I suppose much of my irritation about the whole slavery thing is that it should be consensual at all. I feel a little silly having to make these special deals, handing out special treatments to incentivize these silly prey animals to take the great leap into becoming property. I don't think they understand how seriously dragons take the slavery business. It's not just economic. It's nature.

But a lot of the animals in Scritch City see it as more of a sexual lifestyle fantasy come true. They get to star in their very own sexual slavery porn and never have to worry about responsibility again. No. No. No. Being a slave means responsibility. You still have to do what yer told, and we do put you to work. You'll be doing much more than being a dragon's pretty, little fuck slave.

Slaves who don't do very well often get re-purposed into food. Although after reading about that new ride in Warp World, I suspect some of you idiots might want that too. Egad.

No. A true slave trade doesn't involve consent. It involves power. Dragons are perfectly known for their power. We own all who are below us. If a slave trade started between our two countries, I would much prefer the transactions be jointly agreed upon by both the elite of Scritch City and the dragon lords of the Predatory Union. In that case, consent would not always apply and we could actually get stuff done.

Still, what the hell is my opinion worth? This is all Prince Ara's game. I'm just a lowly artist with an opinion. Although I do wish someone reading this could, perhaps, make my case for me to further the agenda. I would really hate for our entire visit here to be so pointless.

As usual, I have picked one of Buddy Tippet's books to promote. Give b.t. a read when you get a chance. Just skip the one story called Getting Scent-imental. Entirely pointless and stupid. It's trash. ~Nestor

11.99 - Paperback Edition
5.99 - Kindle Edition

Click here to see the Amazon.com listing of all of his books.


  1. Interesting. Slavery must be ENTIRELY at the discretion and for the pleasure of the predator, not the prey. Consent is contrary to dominance. UTTER dominance is assertion being enough. I empathize with the dragons, to a degree. I have my own interest in women being sexually enslaved by monsters. CONSENT does nothing for the interest. On the contrary: consent KILLS the interest. Tit for Tat ain't my thing.

  2. I agree, slavery should be without consent. Becoming a slave should not be a privilege but instead a shame. Dominance should be asserted not negotiated.
