Monday, December 23, 2019

We're All Hedonists!

In the last few hours, I've been getting some really annoying emails. Look at some of these selections:

"You're just being used by Miss Silky and the other elites. Stop supporting them!"

"People are getting killed in the streets and you don't seem to know. If you do, you don't seem to care."

"Miss Silky and Baphomet are the same. They just act by different rules. Scritch City is like living in hell."

"You interviewed a doctor who raped me and got me pregnant. He offered to pay me for the baby. What the actual fuck?"

"Fuck the Fairy Ermine. We're better off without her."

"I know Quentin personally. You'll be better off once a bullet gets lodged in his brain. Fuck Quentin."

"You're books are a part of the problem. Stop writing and get out of this city."


What the fuck did I do against any of you people? What did any of us do... but allow you all to seek out your own fortunes and pleasures. If you really think its bad here in Scritch City, try leaving it. Go out into the great USA and see how they treat you when you even attempt to do what comes natural. America is full of prudes that care nothing for our own natural urges.

Scritch City was founded on an unwavering principle of hedonism. We are allowed to seek our own pleasures selfishly as it was intended. I don't want to see bullshit like this in my email inbox! If you are having trouble making it to the top in SC then you were meant, by your very nature, to be fucked in the ass by a big, fat dominant male!

Life isn't fair, fuckers! If you can't stand the heat, get the fuck out while you can, because we're coming for you to put you where you fucking belong!

And you can buy my fucking books right HERE! Read 'em or fuck off!


  1. I'd love to "use you" for a hot minute Mr. Tippet~ <3

  2. Ah, the "freedom" of living wild. Why think when you can feel? Why bother when you can frolic? Why care when you can exploit? Scritch City is a paradise, indeed.

  3. Indeed, complaining about the nature of Scritch City is futile. They should just leave if they don't like the results of hedonism. SC isn't going to change that's for certain.
