Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Club Lex

I'm not making this club. At least, I don't feel like I am. Yet there does seem to be ideas mixed into it that I have considered before. The more I look through this book, the more I begin to realize what I am in the universe. Although I can't know for absolute certain. Perhaps a sentinel. The avatar of something greater. I'm already pretty sure there is a god. Or God. There has been a connection between me and him for a while now. At first is frightened me, but now I think I understand. I understand the abuse.

Club Lex is essentially my creation, but I am not there. I'm not physically there. Not that I don't wish to go there. I'll certainly try. One of those doors out there may lead to it. I'm a little skittish about opening any of those doors after running into Jason, but I may have to run out there anyways. So much to see, I'm sure.

From what I can tell, Club Lex is brilliance in motion. It is liberty incarnate. It is an idea put to action. Club Lex is libertine, pansexual in nature, but homosexual in presentation. The employees who work there genuinely care. They care about each other, they care about the customers, and they care about their job. Finding happiness through sexual desires is their objective morality.

It is a charitable organization which helps those in need. And even in house, they do what they can to help those who are unsure of themselves. I know of one buck who runs a program that helps "closet cases." How cruel life must seem when you cannot properly express yourself sexually.

I mean... this is seriously making me grin. I wanna know more about these people. I wanna go there... and experience this. Who are these people? Why are they so good? I gotta get out of here.

I'm pretty close to wrapping up a new book, but until then, why not try checking out Pack Rats of The Inside? You might notice that I always incorrectly capitalize the word "The" in the title. Weird, huh? If you are interested in reading what is out-rightly my most popular book, check out the information below:

$9.99 - Paperback Edition
$5.99 - Kindle Edition

Click here to see the Amazon.com listing of all of my books.


  1. Club Lex is a gathering of the indulgent. Unusual indeed, that caring for others for the sake of others is actually a thing. Hedonism with selfless caretakers? Club Lex is a world unto itself, it seems. What's the catch?

    1. I'm still looking into it. There seems to be a lot of love between these persons. I don't see why people should be pushed away when all we have to do is get closer.

  2. Club Lex seems like a great community of hedonists who care for others. To be a closet case amongst hedonists must be hell, awesome that they give a helping hand.

    1. There has to be a point to everything. Happiness is not to be shrugged off so easily.
