Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Hello There~

Let's just put the Railroad Towers blog on hold for a bit because I have something I want to say to someone in particular. Yes, you. You know who you are. It's me, Baphy. You know who I am. I'm the one who is infinitely more attractive than you are. In case anyone else is reading this, I am speaking to a certain green fellow who visits this blog once in a while. You don't have to read it, but he certain does. In fact, he is going to sit down and read this entire thing.

So how are you doing? Seething any? Boiling on the inside? Feels like hellfire, don't it? Oh, bless your heart. You must be so sad. So very sad that your life is coming crashing down. Boo hoo.

I can help you. I love helping people. I love pushing myself into bodies. Grinding myself down inside them. Inside of you. So hard. So firm. Until... we're like... one person. You and I. Hahaha. It won't feel bad. I'm going to enjoy every moment of it.

Still upset? Gripping your fists like it actually means something? Maybe it does mean something. Maybe it's indicative of a very real fact that you are going to best me. Oh dear. I'm so scared. The green fox is going to hurt me. He's going to mess up my plans. He's going to add a wizard to his world in a silly attempt to bind me. I'm doomed! Hahahaha.

Let me help you out. You can have me. I'm all yours. All you have to do is bend your pretty self over. I'm a very giving fellow. Everyone loves Baphomet. Even I love me. Face it... The only one who will rid you of your problem is the problem itself. Me. Hahaha!

I think I've said enough. You are so very cute when you steam with rage. Your skin glows red and your fur remains green. Did you know what those two colors make? Yellow. That's right. The color of cowardice. You are a coward, Quentin. And I shall be there with open arms in the dark corner that you flee to when this is all over. See you soon~

Eh. Wait. What was I doing? Um. Oh. My blog is already written. Uh. Okay? Well anyways... uh... I wrote a book. Um... It's called "Pack Rats of the Inside." Here's some... uh... information:

$9.99 - Paperback Edition
$5.99 - Kindle Edition


  1. Baphomet spoke both as a challenge and in mockery. He is truly a demon. Quentin has a serious problem stalking him right now.

  2. I'd hate to be in Quentin's position right now, going up against a demon is not a task for the weak willed so I hope he is prepared. Baphy's demeanor is telling of the situation.
