Thursday, March 9, 2023

The Golden Jackal

From Anput:

We haven't really met. Although I was a part of the council when you were here, I was busy trying to handle the affairs between Jason and Ra. I've asked my questions, and I suppose if they are wise enough to believe in you then there is no reason I shouldn't do likewise.

The thing about Scritch City is that it is extremely stable in what otherwise seems like chaos. It is built upon the very concept of liberty, moreso than the surrounding United States of America. Although many of our populous seem and often express ideals related to oppression, they are, as a matter of truth, freer than any other people on Earth. We make sure that they know this. It is the same liberty of will that comes from Ra.

Although I dislike the idea that Ra is a creation, your creation, I am being given little choice but to accept it. The idea of it makes me uncomfortable and often makes it difficult to make decisions. Despite this, the council and I do not like you as a god. We prefer Ra. Ra has given this city the strength to thrive; you have given us unnecessary trials, one of which was purely to protect your own existence from an interdimensional monstrosity called Ixus.

The latter creature seems to have been absorbed by a stronger creature, and Jason believes it happened because of your own personal actions. Need I remind you that Ixus is a problem for all people across all dimensions? You are taking extremely bad risks with us, and we have done nothing to deserve these things. I'm not trying to be hostile with you. I don't even really know you. These are simply my opinions based on what I have heard from the other council members.

As to the object of you returning to the Railroad Club with your wife, I understand how difficult it would be for you to make that decision. There is what seems to be a fallacy in the argument that a god can become beholden to one of his creations. But I do think that, despite your needlessly rash decisions, you are a fair man. You can exist within your creations as an avatar without overpowering yourself simply because you have the human spirit of a god controlling you.

And let us not forget that you once stayed with us before and were likewise beholden to Jason and even Ra. This did happen. They tell me you were quite relaxed much of the time and enjoyed a life of indulgence and pleasure. If it can happen once, it can surely happen again.

The idea of it is simply that you take a time away from your creations to relax. Think of it like an extended vacation. Perhaps the time can be used to make you better, and, once better, you can leave.

We of Scritch City are the children of Ra. We love liberty and the right to live our lives by our own desires. The U.S. hates us, but we are better for our differences. We of the council are not just the ones in control; we are believers in the cause. I urge you to return to us to once more experience this wonderful place which you seem to have created to begin with. And for you to have created it at all must mean something to you deep down in your immortal heart.

That's all I have to say, Buddy Tippet. I hope you read this carefully and understand the things I am trying to say. I am sorry that I never got a chance to meet you in person.

[For reference, Buddy, I am a seven-foot-tall female jackal with gold around my eyes. How do you look at the moment?]


  1. All these blogs are public, right? Can the people in Scritch City read them? You don't have to answer it; I already know they can.

    Back when I lived in Scritch City, the council was secret. Nobody knew they were in control. I didn't even know. I mean... I suspected it. It was an idea I had, but I wasn't doing any writing on the topic. It just sort of happened without being recorded. But now... you have all outed yourselves. You don't care that people know what you've done. They are being oppressed, but I'm fairly sure they let it happen, so I'm not gonna lose any sleep over it.

    If I recall, the only person I know of that was genuinely good among you was Kinder, and he wasn't even from this world. I imagine that he found whatever was good about Scritch City and took it with him when he left. Yes, I think that's what happened. You probably know this already.

    Anput, I never even knew of you until I read this. You're a creation of mine that I didn't even know about. The whole idea of that blows my mind. I see how it's possible, but it still befuddles me. There are so many aspects of my creation that I end up ignoring, and when I check up on it again, everything's moved on.

    I'm still not interested in going back. Yes, I'm tempted, but it feels like it would ruin some writing plans I have. They’re not going to let me write the things I want. This will likely feedback through the spirit to the human that decides my actions. He doesn't want that and frankly neither do I. I don't wanna go back to being a pleasure drunk zombie. I'm sorry.

    As to your physical description, you sound like a female version of Anubis. Hot. Super hot. I'm an old and gray goat that looks somewhere between 70 and 80. Although I'm about as fit as if I was 20. Might wanna remind Jason that bullets just make grumpy goat gods all the grumpier.

    That's all. Nice to meet you.

  2. The creations thinking they can improve things beyond their very source. That always ends one way: Badly. Then again, Buddy Tippet is a creation himself, though on a higher plane. He does suffer the innate inadequacies of being something derived.

  3. An interesting new character. Unfortunately for them if they dislike something or think something is unfair within their created universe they don't get a say. Finding out Ra is a creation kind of dulls his influence if you think about it. I still maintain instead of boohooing about the way things are they should instead move on, as nothing good can come from from waging war with the creator.
