Thursday, April 13, 2023

A Cool Ferret

From Musty:

Salutations, my fine friend. All hail the great God of the multiverse, if that's what's more to your liking. I don't know one way or another. Thought about it time and time again, but I guess ol' Musty don't know his upways from his downways, leastways his eastways and his westways. Inways and outways, it's all the same to me. Not that this ferret ever gets around too often. Like I keep saying to myself, night after night: All these girls, and I still end my nights, fapping to porn. Shame, shame.

Don't think I ever met ya, but I do know a thing or two about your lore. I'm quite the fan of your blog. Keeps me awake some nights when this ferret's got a bad case of the sleep deprived googly eyes. Learned a bit from other sources, maybe another blog of yours that you aren't ready to admit to yet. Seems to me as you got yourself a bad case of the hallways. Now I may not know my upways from my eastways, but one thing I do understand is them hallways.

Now, as I comprehend it, all these worlds of yours are bound together by a single hallway called the Black Smoke Hallway. Never been there myself. Haven't had the privilege of seeing it neither. But I suppose I could imagine what it looks like since you've already gone and done it for me in your most excellent blog, sir.

Ol' Musty sure does know how to pay attention. I've seen and heard enough to know about that second hallway. Turns out, I'm pretty sure I'm the proprietor of that second one. Number two. Of course, you don't seem to be very consistent about what you call it. I think you once used to call it the Neon-Strip Hallway. Mighty fine, sure enough, but I don't think you liked it all that much. You decided to change it up a mite.

Lately, I think you've been calling it the Dark Neon Hallway. I have to admit I like this one better. Yes, sir. It's a little better on the eyes, not to mention the mind's eye. The eye of the mind can get easily blinded when things get confusing, so you did it a good turn there. Yep.

As you may know, I'm not just some fella who sits on the counsil; I'm the owner and operator of the Fidgety Ferret, the fanciest brothel in all of Scritch City. Best place in the Pavilion too in case others might be wondering. After passing through that door, things might look like just some regular ol' place, but a few more steps in an easterly direction and you'll come smack dab into the Dark Neon Hallway. I'm not fool enough to dismiss how important that place is to you, Buddy. No, sir. I'm right there with you.

Before you knew which way was what and which what was why, you knew this hallway was meant for saving someone's soul. It ain't just a place for fun and frolic. You saw past all that. Now, it may not have come to pass here in Scritch City, but I guess I just got a sense for these things. You and me, we just know each other. May not be friends, but we got a respect that is so pure that it don't even need discussing

I hope you liked hearing from me. I further hope that the things I said made you a little more aware of this crazy place you created for us. Whether or not you come back to Scritch City is up to you, but if you happen to do it, might I suggest a different place to put up your feet. Maybe a particular room found three doors down on the left within that famous neon-lined hallway at the Fidgety Ferret. You'll always be welcome, friend.

Bye bye and so long, Almighty One. Hope you find your peace sooner than never... as some people might say. You have yourself a great day in that far off world that only exists in the imaginations of the lonely... the bold. I wish you the best.


  1. Oh, Musty, it would take someone as bored as you to figure this much out about me. Let me guess: You're the big insider for the council. I suppose you know what my face looks like and everything. Be careful with that. I've seen people lose their minds after seeing that face.

    As a matter of fact, that's got me thinking of Jason. Maybe he's just lost it. Things like that can happen. Either way, I don't know the truth of any of this. What I do know is that I like you very much, Musty.

    We've met, by the way. We sat at the same table and talked face-to-face. It wasn't you though. It was a Musty from another universe, namely Railroad Towers. The Pavilion has an exact duplicate there with all the same attractions, including the Fidgety Ferret. I was, admittedly, a bit preoccupied when I was with you... but I remember that I liked you.

    And yes... The Dark Neon Hallway is there. It was always there even before I realized it. I never created that hallway. I found it. I found it in your brothel, and it was there that I located and saved my wife from death. Thank you for taking care of it for me.

    I have no plans on returning to Scritch City, but your invitation is far more tempting than everyone else's proposal for me to move back into the Railroad Club. If anything, I'd love to be a personal friend and companion of yours. Just reading your words and hearing your voice turns my thoughts into sunshine.

    Thank you for this blog, Musty.


    Okay, Jason. Please finish this.

  2. Ol'Musty sounds like a reasonable person, that's a nice change. Musty also seems more aware of his changing environment. I'd say overall this was a pleasant read. But yea the council should give the blog back soon...

  3. Musty, your Maker is all flow and little balance. You seem to enjoy the wild ride. Your very words echo what you love about life, it seems.
