Thursday, May 19, 2022

Vixxie Tales #3

I've been playing hide-and-seek with Clara. It's terrible fun. Clara doesn't actually move much when you look directly at her. She might move her head a little just to look at you, but other than that, there is no actual movement. Her voice just sort of comes from her. Her reindeer lips don't move.

Clara mostly walks around when you aren't looking. You can't hear much when she does. She just sort of ends up in a different place. A while ago, she asked if she could hide and I could find her, and I thought that would be fun, although there was one thing that happened that I'm still confused about.

We had done it a few times. I would look away, and when I looked back, she had disappeared. One time she was standing perfectly still behind Surly's open laptop. It was amazing that it took so long for me to find her. The top of her bow was just barely showing over the back of the screen, and that's how I found her. When I peeked over the screen, she turned her head to look at me and said, "Hello, Rudolph." Oh, I know another blog explains it, but she calls everyone Rudolph. I don't think she can help it.

We did this a number of times. Strangely, I would always look under the bed first, but she always picked a different place. But there was one time when I decided not to look under the bed first, but that was when she picked it. When I checked, I did not see her at first. I crawled under the bed up to my waste and finally saw her. This is when the strange thing happened.

She turned her neck to look at me, and I was overcome with a heavy weight. I went limp and just lay there. The skin under my fur was briefly like pins and needles, and then everything just became cloudy and strange. I know this may not make much sense, but I even felt stupid. Like I wasn't smart anymore, but not in a humiliating way. At the time, I wasn't really upset.

There was also this sense of deja vu. I felt like this had happened a bunch of times, but every time it ended I would just forget about it but only to remember it when it happened again. But this time, I remembered enough so I could write it down.

For about fifteen minutes after it happened, I felt numb but relaxed. I could only see Clara's feet cause my vision relaxed along with my body. I couldn't even get my eyeballs to move. It was just this perfect, peaceful collapse without sleep.

And although I am unsure if I imagined it, I feel like I saw Clara walking towards me with full range of motion. She stepped up to me and pressed her plush body against my head. She did not say anything, but I thought I could hear her hum a little here and there--not music. It was mostly like, "Hmm," or an occasional swallow sound which I am not used to hearing from her.

After that, I don't remember much. I was laying in the bed as Surly was coming back in. He looked like he had been in a fight. His clothing was all dirty and bloody. I asked him if he was okay, and he just shrugged it off and undressed. Clara was on the table next to the bed and just staring like she always does. Surly asked me how my writing is going, and I showed him the last blog I wrote, "Vixxie Tales #2." He told me that he wasn't uninterested in hypnosis, but that he was just tired from all the stuff he had been doing lately. It came with a kiss and an apology.

Even though I am not sure what happened with Clara, I don't really feel bad afterwards. I didn't tell Surly about it, but he always seems to know stuff ahead of time anyways. I'll let him see this blog when he comes back from another one of his outings.

Oh, I wanted to say something to one of Surly's friends, at least I think it's one of his friends. I don't know if this is out of line or not. In my last two blogs, Shawn O'Toole replied to them, but he did it in sort of a distant way. He was talking more like Surly was writing this, and he even weirdly called me his secretary. Did I write it badly? I wasn't writing Surly's blog as much as I was doing my own on his account.

Maybe, I just misunderstood, but he seemed to talk more about Surly than about my own creative writing, and I just don't know what to make of it. So, Shawn O'Toole, if you are reading this... Hi. My name is Vixxie. How are you? I'm a red fox, and I live in a small room floating out in a void. I was wondering what you thought about my strange hide-and-seek with Clara. Let me know all about it when you comment. ♥

Also, I have to keep promoting Surly's new book. I read "Platformer," and I think it is really exciting and fun, but also sometimes very dark. I really liked the Susan character, who is the bunny on the cover. Here are some details:


$14.99 - Paperback Edition
$5.99 - Kindle Edition


  1. Interesting experience you had with Clara... I trust you are not feeling any ill side effects to your experience. (Your game was cute by the way.) Same with Surly, I hope everything is good with him.

    1. Oh, Surly was fine. He can't really die. I don't think he can die anyways. He wasn't even all that bothered and just washed himself off. Thanks for your concern!

  2. BEWARE! I don't think Clara means harm, but she may be dangerous unintentionally. She is of unsound mind. YOU DO NOT KNOW WHAT HAPPENED TO RUDOLPH! If something bad, you may suffer his fate. As for your writing: Well done! I enjoyed your eloquent candor.

    1. Oh, thank you so much for responding to me! I felt like there was such a disconnect before! About Clara, I don't feel bad after what happened, but the event still bothers me a little because I can't seem to identify with it. It feels more like a dream. Thank you so much for your compliment at the end. I'm really trying hard to make these blogs interesting in Surly's absence.
