Thursday, May 5, 2022

Vixxie Tales #1

Hi! My name is Vixxie. I am the wife of Surly who has been very busy lately. He has been coming in now and again to say hi and have some sex, but he's really just been out more often then not. So he has been leaving his laptop with me sometimes and taught me how to work on the blog. I don't know how to do some of the animations and things he does, but I'll do my best. It might turn out okay.

I am a fox, and I was born inside a children's book called "A Difficult Day for Dagget." Dagget was a very special friend of mine who ended up being sacrificed to a monster to help protect Surly. It was a cruel thing to do, but Surly was acting in self-defense, so I've come to understand and accept it. That said, he did save me from the story after its collapse, and he didn't have to do that. In fact, he has let a lot of people die in a few of his collapse worlds. He said that there was something about me that he was really attracted to, and he didn't want to let me die. It must be love!

You probably already know about me dying and stuff. I don't have a lot of memories about it. A lot of that is a blur. I'm okay now though. I'm living with him in an entire universe that is only the size of a room. While he is away, I've been talking to a plush animal named Clara who can actually talk back! She creeped me out at first, but she is actually really friendly and submissive to both of us.

Right now, Surly has made a very special friend and has been going out of his way to spend time with him. I was asked not to say his name in this blog, but I've decided to be naughty: His name starts with a "C." Maybe you can guess what the rest of his name is. If you guess it, I didn't really tell you, did I?

Surly has been coming back, but when he does, he is really tired. He walks through the door and collapses onto the bed with me. I'm not used to seeing him so tired. He's usually full of energy but still kind of grumpy. He hasn't really been grumpy lately as much as just tired.

He's still taking time to work on his laptop, but it's entirely focused on a project about Jason. But he says that the project is taking so long that he doesn't have the energy left to work on this blog. I'm going to take it over for a while. He told me I could, and he also said that this would not be the first time someone else worked on his blog. A dragon did it one time!

I hope you didn't find this blog boring. I'm a pretty average person, I think. Only Surly thinks I'm special. But I'll do my best to entertain you, and I'll be as open minded as I can. Surly always tells me not to be prudish about anything and to just say how I feel about something. I promise to try. Thank you all for reading!

Oh, I want to promote Surly's new book. I know it says it's authored by "Buddy Tippet," but Surly told me that is the name he had before he turned into an old goat. Anyways, the book is called "Platformer." I'll try and get it to display right. Thanks again for reading!


$14.99 - Paperback Edition
$5.99 - Kindle Edition


  1. Hi there Vixxie. I am glad that Surly has given you the opportunity to express yourself via this blog. Remember Surly chose you because he finds you interesting, I am sure I will as well.

    1. Oh, I know who you are. You're a really good artist. Thanks for doing all those drawings. I wanted to meet you, but Surly says he doesn't even know where you're at. So mysterious!

  2. Surly, you've turned your wife into a secretary! I can't help but wonder if you had a fetish in mind. Oh, outstanding book by the way... though the moral of the story is "do as you will."

    1. This is Vixxie, by the way. I don't think I am a secretary. He sort of just told me I could write what I wanted.
