Thursday, January 26, 2023

I'm Sorry, Buddy...

 -From Miss Silky-

Buddy, I'm so sorry things have been so crazy for you lately. Even I am one to admit that perhaps Jason was a bit rash to do to you what he did. I have been worried about you ever since you left us. I also want to say that I am very happy that you found someone that you love and cherish and that you are so willing to defend that relationship. Please understand me clearly: I am very happy for you.

That said, the actions taken by Jason and the council, which I am a member of, was based on a number of rather awful things that have been happening to our city over the last few years since you left us. The council established a rather intricate research and development headed by the now deceased Rah Rah, a rat woman that worked with us after Quentin abandoned the lab. We uncovered the truth about the multiverse and found a way to cross over to a select few of them. Jason is very close to entering into the Black Smoke Hallway where we believe you may be staying right now, although there are some theories you may have abandoned that place as well.

Our actions have been in self defense. We are trying to prevent our dimension from being wiped out. We are aware that a number of worlds have collapsed due to your own written words. Scritch City is already in a state of stable chaos, held in place only thanks to the work of this council. If you want to see us as terrible people, that isn't entirely untrue. We have to do terrible things in order to counteract some of the things you send our way.

I don't think you are trying to hurt us. In fact, I think you are actually a very sweet person. I remember the time we spent together in the back room of the Railroad Club. We made love many times, and you always seemed to be so much more as peace after we did so. You are not the first human I've made love to, but you are the one I think of the most. I do miss you, and I wish you would return.

Keep in mind that when you lived with us, I personally went on a mission to protect you. Your former nemesis known as Ixus had made its way into Scritch City. I had to make a lot of decisions and sacrifices to make sure that this creature was routed away from you. I did this to keep you safe because I saw you as a person worth saving.

I do understand that you will likely not return to me. You seem to have made your decision, and you are very angry at Jason. I do apologize for what he did. My Jason has the weight of the whole world on his shoulders. He has to constantly defend against things pouring out of the multiverse as well as the prudist pressures coming out of the surrounding United States. It's a very difficult job. In fact, it was his decision to place the city seal at the end of each of these blogs. He's doing everything he can to keep that seal relevant in a world that wants it broken into pieces.

He shouldn't have shot you like he did. He was overcome with anger, and I have scolded him harshly about it. But I do agree with him about you returning to me. I know you want to. You're screaming inside your head to come back and stay with me in the Railroad Club. If you ever change your mind, I promise to respect your relationship with Vixxie. I won't interfere. We're only concerned presently for your sanity as an author. That's all. Please hear me, Buddy. I care deeply for you.


  1. Miss Silky, I am not upset with you. I'm really not. I've always enjoyed your company, and I do consider your company to be a great temptation. I like you, Miss Silky, and, yes, you did save me. You found out Ixus was coming and routed him away from the world I was presently living in. If he had found me, I would have been lost.

    That said, however, I know how bound you are to Jason. You are his subservient, and that puts me against you. You're right to suspect that I have no plans to return, but, if I did, it would be to be with you again. Right now, I am so furious with Jason that I don't want to set even one foot in Scritch City ever again. I don't really care what his position is. His failings lately have been more than corporeal; it's spiritual. He has failed to live up to his own name.

    Miss Silky, there are a lot of Jasons in the multiverse. I know all of them by heart, because I was their creator. I am their biggest fan. Jason is one of the most brilliant, thought-provoking characters that I have ever written about. One of them is a personal friend of mine too. We can comfortably talk to one another, and there is no animosity between us.

    But Jason of Scritch City does not live up to the greatness of his own name. He is a failure who resorts to absurd primitive forms of aggression. He's ridiculous, and I no longer like him. I don't want to have anything to do with him, and I wish I had never created him. This is an ironic statement because your version of Jason was the original prototype. All the ones that came after him have thrived where he has failed.

    Miss Silky, just understand that I do miss you. I really do. I believe everything that you told me in this blog, and I thank you for your words. That said, I really do want my blog back. I haven't been able to promote my books in a long time. I'm going to be extremely grumpy until that is returned to me.

    Be well, Miss Silky.

  2. I have no doubt Jason is having a hard time holding things together but he isn't making anything better by targeting his creator. He should focus on being better not trying to get one up on god.

  3. Don't pull the plug on your creations quite yet, you stubborn old goat! Don't be like the angry chef. I don't want to clean up the mess afterwards. No, you don't want my help... but sometimes I insist.
