I was very quickly contacted by Daxter Agreste after my most recent blog. This is the raw transcript of the conversation that took place. Enjoy.
Daxter: Hope you have some good questions for me, Mr.Tippet. I'd hate to disappoint your fans~
Buddy Tippet: This is Daxter [Agreste], I presume?
D: It is.
BT: While in something of a stupor, I recently made an odd claim. I said that you were one of three people who possessed a soul. Now, I am pretty sure that everyone within Scritch City has a soul. However, I am concerned more with the spirit of what I said than the technicalities of it. I think it may have meant that you were a person of importance within this city. Anything you want to say on this?
D: I'm not important. I'm just as docile as any other member of Scritch City. However, my plans are anything but docile. You see I was dropped off at someone's doorstep and this someone opened my eyes to what is possible in Scritch City. I suppose you could say I'm special because I met with this someone and what this someone showed me.
BT: I make it a responsibility of mine to know the important people in Scritch City. I have never heard of you in my life, yet I feel like there is a connection between you and I that needs to be made [clearer]. My stay with the dragons hurt, but I came out of it with a surprisingly open mind. You are important somehow. I wish I knew why. Who was it that showed you the truth?
D: Dear me, I had a feeling you would pry some names out of me. One of your other big three, the green one, delivered me to Baphomet himself and left without me. So you could say that I am indebted to Quentin for being the catalyst to everything that has happened since and everything that is going to happen soon.
Backing up, I am not surprised that you have never heard of me. Not many have. Not many need to. Although thanks, to the target you've just put on my back, I'm sure my life is going to swell with interesting people now, so I would like to thank you as well as Quentin.
BT: Believe me, I don't mean you any harm. If anything, I want to help you. I think people at the top should have their place there... if they are fine with defending it once in a while. If you don't want to publicly lay claim to your master then at least let me help you in a different way. Let me promote your cause. Name your claim of choice: Business, spiritual, matters of lust and flesh. I'd love to hear what you are all about.
D: Of course. My mentioning of a "target on my back" was just a jest, I assure you.
I want to start by saying that I do not see Scritch City as a boring place. It just has a few boring people at the top. At first I had no dreams of grandeur. I know what I am.
I first sought out Quentin. He was talked up so much in your blog that I just had to meet with him. He was immensely boring. Lots of big talk, little bite. I even stole one of his church members to invoke some sort of response and he instead thanked me for it.
Moving on, the dragons. Nestor... Where do I start with Nestor? I was so excited when he asked me to become his pet. I said no to vex him and what does he do? He pouts in your blog. Pathetic.
After meeting with Baphomet I understood that if I want something interesting to happen, I need to make it happen. Baphoment gave me the power to make things happen.
I want Scritch City's walls to come down, so to say. I want the hierarchy to come crumbling down. So many believe that what they were born as or what they were born with means something. Like the powers that be care. I want to show that it is your actions that gain favor and respect. Admiration and acclaim.
I had wanted to meet with Miss Silky, but I'm not sure that will be possible now.
BT: If I can get you an interview with Miss Silky, would you accept it?
D: In a heartbeat.
BT: Miss Silky and Baphomet have a No-Hostilities Agreement. If you are linked with Baphomet, then there is no reason you [can't] meet with Miss Silky and hash things out. Yeah, there may be an issue with her not liking you, but there is no reason you both can't be civil and learn from one another. The best part is, I am with her right now. I can ask her while I am conducting this interview. I am only curious (as she would be too) as to what interest you have in the de facto leader of this great city. Care to give a hint? Surely there is more to it than deciding if she is boring or not.
D: I will be more than happy to uphold the No-Hostilities that have been agreed upon by Miss Silky and Baphomet. I would also understand completely if she does not take a liking to me.
I can only say that I want to know if she is interesting or not. Of course I want no extra effort from her to impress me now that she knows what I am looking for. I do not expect any extra effort as I have not done anything to deserve it. All I want is a nice evening and an eventful conversation. I want to know what the blog does not report. The off record stuff. Trading information for information.
BT: Fair enough. She will meet with you tonight (likely before this blog is posted.) I hope you forgive me, but I will not be there. I am keeping myself secluded to a room for the time. I've not really been in the mood to see anyone but Miss Silky since my release. I'll transfer your number to her, with your permission. That okay?
D: Completely understood and acceptable. I am delighted to be granted an audience with Miss Silky and I will not forget your assistance.
Is there anything else on your agenda? I'll be as open as I can.
BT: Your views on hedonism please. Be as absolutely candid as you [can]. Vague words won't be helpful in this case. We're just trying to understand you and your belief system. The question is especially relevant because of your alignment with Baphomet.
D: Well, I know hedonism carries with it many sexual connotations. I love those connotations. Hedonism is the attempt to seek out the maximum pleasure while minimizing unpleasantness. Pleasure is not strictly sexual. Accomplishing something such as a painter completing a masterpiece, a family purchasing their dream home, and yes, going naked wherever you'd like.
This system, like any other, will fail once the "free" element is added into it. Some will strive for their own pleasure while causing intentional unpleasantness to others. I, for one, would like to avoid that.
As far as Baphomet is concerned, I don't know what his entire thoughts on the subject are, so there is a chance that his ideals will change mine.
I'm only 19, Mr.Tippet. I'm not going to pretend to have all the answers. That's why I came to Scritch City, for guidance.
BT: Well, every hedonist has a slightly different viewpoint on the subject. The reason for this is [that] we all have different tastes. The point is that you strive to please yourself in whatever way you can achieve that. I personally prefer Miss Silky's more moderate approach to hedonism, but Baphomet has an entirely valid outlook as well. I think all points of view are valid honestly. Hedonism is all about the self. Our desires shape the world after all. We'd be nowhere without selfishness.
D: Spoken like a true journalist.
BT: Yes, but it's also what I believe. I like Scritch City, and I am glad to hear from someone who is so candid about [his] beliefs. Are you alone in this or have you formed a companion?
D: A product of my inexperience. Who knows, I may get a slap on the wrist for this interview.
I have friends who are doing their best to see that I succeed. Asides from Baphomet himself that is.
BT: Well, welcome to the top! I look forward to hearing more about your exploits in Scritch City. I'm sure Miss Silky with be contacting you soon. Thank you for the interview, Daxter.
D: It was a pleasure Buddy. I look forward to giving you all sorts of things to report about.
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From Calix: It has been such a long time. And yet, it feels as if it was only moments ago that you were here with me. Have you forgotten? Ha...
Hello! I'm living in Scritch City now. And with my life comes a very notable agenda. I am in search for something called Context. I thou...
Indeed, the title of this fetish can be misunderstood. It could easily mean that your penis could change shape. Naturally there is a fetish ...
Don't blink dear readers.
ReplyDeleteI'm getting closer... all the time~
Once again... !!!
DeleteInteresting view on hedonism. It seems good till the stipulation of "even if it hurts others" comes to mind. It is ultimately the idea of whimsical living no matter what. Yeah, that gets nasty real quick.
ReplyDeleteWhat have they done not to deserve being hurt?
DeleteFascinating interview, I'm glad you got some insight on who Daxter is. I would love to hear an interview with Miss Silky. Daxter finds Quentin boring, interesting... Baphomet's power is alluring to Daxter indeed.
ReplyDeleteThat's his opinion. I enjoyed all the time I had with him. (Referring to our interview.)