Silky: You've been really upset lately, Buddy. It's hard for me to see you beating yourself up like this. Are you sure you want me to do this?
Buddy Tippet: I do. My mind is getting more and more scattered lately. I'm having trouble keeping everything together. Feels like time is stopping or something.
S: Time isn't stopping. Time does what it does like it always does.
BT: It doesn't feel that way.
S: Doctor Brady said you had a special condition... a disease that prevents you from properly perceiving the passage of time. It must be so difficult for you.
BT: How is he doing, by the way?
S: I've heard he is fine.
BT: Have the police caught Ferros yet?
S: No.
BT: That's a shame. I really like Brady. And you're right: It's probably just my condition--dyschonometria.
S: I'm impressed you are able to pronounce it so well.
BT: Miss Silky, I have a weird question, and I just want you to be honest with me.
S: [Giggling] I thought I was interviewing you.
BT: Sure, but just humor me.
S: All right.
BT: Am I really here?
S: I'm not sure what you mean.
BT: Sure you do. I mean... I remember finding you within a dream. I was standing at a door and you invited me into Scritch City. But I keep feeling like there is a sort of... duality to myself. Like... I imagine myself with other people... talking... making decisions... changing my mind. Even for the time I have been sitting alone in this room, I don't always feel alone. I feel like there are other people around me, interacting with me. But... I'm still alone. And sometimes I get to wondering... Am I even really here? Is the me that is in Scritch City... really me?
S: I can give you a short answer, if you wish.
BT: Please. That seems a whole lot simpler.
S: Yes, you are really here, Buddy. You're here in the guest room behind the bar in the Railroad Club. I'm sitting with you right now on the bed with a cell phone between us recording this entire conversation. Yes, you are here.
BT: Was I ever in Railroad Towers?
S: I don't think so. You were always a citizen of Scritch City. You just... got lost for a bit. Haven't you read your blog posts from that period?
BT: Yeah. They don't make much sense. They are disjointed. I seem to keep meeting with final fates, but I get renewed by the next blog as if the former fate never happened. But then there is Quentin who seems to have a much more stable outlook when it comes to RT. He really seems to have been there... where I was, perhaps, only there in a dream.
S: I've had similar dreams. I often think of myself in other places.
BT: What other places?
S: I sometime imagine myself in an old log cabin. There are others there with me. Some are familiar and others are not. I rather like having this dream. It seems real and I get comfortable while I am there.
BT: Wait, are you talking about "The Safe Place?"
S: Yes. [She grins.]
BT: You're only thinking that because you read my book. That place isn't real.
S: How do you know? Maybe you wrote something that is real.
BT: I made it up.
S: It seemed to make sense to me. And then... it still may just be a dream. Or the dream itself could simply be a look into other frequencies. The Safe Place could be real.
BT: If The Safe Place is real... the connotations of that would be too staggering for me to handle. I'd rather not think about it.
S: Why would it be so bad, Buddy?
BT: It would mean that everyone in Scritch City are really just carnal beasts trying to eat one another. We're all just playing out our lusts with no real goal.
S: Do you really think the goals of every specific person matters?
BT: Why shouldn't they?
S: Buddy, if The Safe Place exists, then you're in it. And you're in it with me. You are one of the great ones. You exist as a testament that some are important and others are simply not. If the multitude of lessers want to eat each other while those with power thrive, what is that to you?
BT: I dunno... I... I...
S: Are you not a hedonist, Buddy?
BT: Yes. I always seek my own pleasure even at the expense of others. I like my position of power. I like the platform that you gave me. I just feel like... sometimes I am losing my mind. Like there is another me or someone else that is trying to wrench me away from this place... and I don't want to leave!
S: I believe with all of my heart that The Safe Place really does exist. And our great city mirrors it in many ways. And I am a part of it. And you are a part of it. And even Jason is a part of it.
BT: And what about Quentin. Is he in The Safe Place?
S: Quentin is there. But he is being put to trial presently. I still favor him, but there is only so much I can do. Jason is starting to have his doubts... and it is Jason who chooses the ones who enters into the room. Right now... Quentin is in the room, and you remember the only way out of the room, don't you, Buddy?
BT: Eat or be eaten. He either lives or dies.
S: And if Quentin dies, he is gone forever. And all his deeds shall be credited to another. But you, Buddy... Jason wants you to stay right where you are. I do too. Keep writing your blogs. Tell the world what you see. Make it perfectly clear what is happening in this city, and may every decision made by these people be that of a sincere and wise heart.
BT: I'm really here, aren't I?
S: Yes. You really are. And I want you to post this entire conversation to the blog. Can you do that for me, Buddy?
BT: I will. Thank you so much. May I stay a bit longer?
S: Stay as long as you need. I'll never close my doors to you... Little Muffin.
A little mouse named Scritch goes on a strange journey at the end of the world. Through the course of 8 stories, Scritch comes to realize the truth about existence, happiness, and a few other things I can't remember. The Nom Nom Chronicles is available online and through bookstore ordering. Here is some info:
15.99 - Paperback Edition
5.99 - Kindle Edition
Click here to see the listing of all of my books.
Monday, September 30, 2019
Monday, September 23, 2019
My Interview with Daxter Agreste
I was very quickly contacted by Daxter Agreste after my most recent blog. This is the raw transcript of the conversation that took place. Enjoy.
Daxter: Hope you have some good questions for me, Mr.Tippet. I'd hate to disappoint your fans~
Buddy Tippet: This is Daxter [Agreste], I presume?
D: It is.
BT: While in something of a stupor, I recently made an odd claim. I said that you were one of three people who possessed a soul. Now, I am pretty sure that everyone within Scritch City has a soul. However, I am concerned more with the spirit of what I said than the technicalities of it. I think it may have meant that you were a person of importance within this city. Anything you want to say on this?
D: I'm not important. I'm just as docile as any other member of Scritch City. However, my plans are anything but docile. You see I was dropped off at someone's doorstep and this someone opened my eyes to what is possible in Scritch City. I suppose you could say I'm special because I met with this someone and what this someone showed me.
BT: I make it a responsibility of mine to know the important people in Scritch City. I have never heard of you in my life, yet I feel like there is a connection between you and I that needs to be made [clearer]. My stay with the dragons hurt, but I came out of it with a surprisingly open mind. You are important somehow. I wish I knew why. Who was it that showed you the truth?
D: Dear me, I had a feeling you would pry some names out of me. One of your other big three, the green one, delivered me to Baphomet himself and left without me. So you could say that I am indebted to Quentin for being the catalyst to everything that has happened since and everything that is going to happen soon.
Backing up, I am not surprised that you have never heard of me. Not many have. Not many need to. Although thanks, to the target you've just put on my back, I'm sure my life is going to swell with interesting people now, so I would like to thank you as well as Quentin.
BT: Believe me, I don't mean you any harm. If anything, I want to help you. I think people at the top should have their place there... if they are fine with defending it once in a while. If you don't want to publicly lay claim to your master then at least let me help you in a different way. Let me promote your cause. Name your claim of choice: Business, spiritual, matters of lust and flesh. I'd love to hear what you are all about.
D: Of course. My mentioning of a "target on my back" was just a jest, I assure you.
I want to start by saying that I do not see Scritch City as a boring place. It just has a few boring people at the top. At first I had no dreams of grandeur. I know what I am.
I first sought out Quentin. He was talked up so much in your blog that I just had to meet with him. He was immensely boring. Lots of big talk, little bite. I even stole one of his church members to invoke some sort of response and he instead thanked me for it.
Moving on, the dragons. Nestor... Where do I start with Nestor? I was so excited when he asked me to become his pet. I said no to vex him and what does he do? He pouts in your blog. Pathetic.
After meeting with Baphomet I understood that if I want something interesting to happen, I need to make it happen. Baphoment gave me the power to make things happen.
I want Scritch City's walls to come down, so to say. I want the hierarchy to come crumbling down. So many believe that what they were born as or what they were born with means something. Like the powers that be care. I want to show that it is your actions that gain favor and respect. Admiration and acclaim.
I had wanted to meet with Miss Silky, but I'm not sure that will be possible now.
BT: If I can get you an interview with Miss Silky, would you accept it?
D: In a heartbeat.
BT: Miss Silky and Baphomet have a No-Hostilities Agreement. If you are linked with Baphomet, then there is no reason you [can't] meet with Miss Silky and hash things out. Yeah, there may be an issue with her not liking you, but there is no reason you both can't be civil and learn from one another. The best part is, I am with her right now. I can ask her while I am conducting this interview. I am only curious (as she would be too) as to what interest you have in the de facto leader of this great city. Care to give a hint? Surely there is more to it than deciding if she is boring or not.
D: I will be more than happy to uphold the No-Hostilities that have been agreed upon by Miss Silky and Baphomet. I would also understand completely if she does not take a liking to me.
I can only say that I want to know if she is interesting or not. Of course I want no extra effort from her to impress me now that she knows what I am looking for. I do not expect any extra effort as I have not done anything to deserve it. All I want is a nice evening and an eventful conversation. I want to know what the blog does not report. The off record stuff. Trading information for information.
BT: Fair enough. She will meet with you tonight (likely before this blog is posted.) I hope you forgive me, but I will not be there. I am keeping myself secluded to a room for the time. I've not really been in the mood to see anyone but Miss Silky since my release. I'll transfer your number to her, with your permission. That okay?
D: Completely understood and acceptable. I am delighted to be granted an audience with Miss Silky and I will not forget your assistance.
Is there anything else on your agenda? I'll be as open as I can.
BT: Your views on hedonism please. Be as absolutely candid as you [can]. Vague words won't be helpful in this case. We're just trying to understand you and your belief system. The question is especially relevant because of your alignment with Baphomet.
D: Well, I know hedonism carries with it many sexual connotations. I love those connotations. Hedonism is the attempt to seek out the maximum pleasure while minimizing unpleasantness. Pleasure is not strictly sexual. Accomplishing something such as a painter completing a masterpiece, a family purchasing their dream home, and yes, going naked wherever you'd like.
This system, like any other, will fail once the "free" element is added into it. Some will strive for their own pleasure while causing intentional unpleasantness to others. I, for one, would like to avoid that.
As far as Baphomet is concerned, I don't know what his entire thoughts on the subject are, so there is a chance that his ideals will change mine.
I'm only 19, Mr.Tippet. I'm not going to pretend to have all the answers. That's why I came to Scritch City, for guidance.
BT: Well, every hedonist has a slightly different viewpoint on the subject. The reason for this is [that] we all have different tastes. The point is that you strive to please yourself in whatever way you can achieve that. I personally prefer Miss Silky's more moderate approach to hedonism, but Baphomet has an entirely valid outlook as well. I think all points of view are valid honestly. Hedonism is all about the self. Our desires shape the world after all. We'd be nowhere without selfishness.
D: Spoken like a true journalist.
BT: Yes, but it's also what I believe. I like Scritch City, and I am glad to hear from someone who is so candid about [his] beliefs. Are you alone in this or have you formed a companion?
D: A product of my inexperience. Who knows, I may get a slap on the wrist for this interview.
I have friends who are doing their best to see that I succeed. Asides from Baphomet himself that is.
BT: Well, welcome to the top! I look forward to hearing more about your exploits in Scritch City. I'm sure Miss Silky with be contacting you soon. Thank you for the interview, Daxter.
D: It was a pleasure Buddy. I look forward to giving you all sorts of things to report about.
My most recent published book The Nom Nom Chrinicles has been selling well lately. It is still available in paperback and Kindle. Here's some information on how to purchase a copy:
15.99 - Paperback Edition
5.99 - Kindle Edition
Click here to see the listing of all of my books.
Daxter: Hope you have some good questions for me, Mr.Tippet. I'd hate to disappoint your fans~
Buddy Tippet: This is Daxter [Agreste], I presume?
D: It is.
BT: While in something of a stupor, I recently made an odd claim. I said that you were one of three people who possessed a soul. Now, I am pretty sure that everyone within Scritch City has a soul. However, I am concerned more with the spirit of what I said than the technicalities of it. I think it may have meant that you were a person of importance within this city. Anything you want to say on this?
D: I'm not important. I'm just as docile as any other member of Scritch City. However, my plans are anything but docile. You see I was dropped off at someone's doorstep and this someone opened my eyes to what is possible in Scritch City. I suppose you could say I'm special because I met with this someone and what this someone showed me.
BT: I make it a responsibility of mine to know the important people in Scritch City. I have never heard of you in my life, yet I feel like there is a connection between you and I that needs to be made [clearer]. My stay with the dragons hurt, but I came out of it with a surprisingly open mind. You are important somehow. I wish I knew why. Who was it that showed you the truth?
D: Dear me, I had a feeling you would pry some names out of me. One of your other big three, the green one, delivered me to Baphomet himself and left without me. So you could say that I am indebted to Quentin for being the catalyst to everything that has happened since and everything that is going to happen soon.
Backing up, I am not surprised that you have never heard of me. Not many have. Not many need to. Although thanks, to the target you've just put on my back, I'm sure my life is going to swell with interesting people now, so I would like to thank you as well as Quentin.
BT: Believe me, I don't mean you any harm. If anything, I want to help you. I think people at the top should have their place there... if they are fine with defending it once in a while. If you don't want to publicly lay claim to your master then at least let me help you in a different way. Let me promote your cause. Name your claim of choice: Business, spiritual, matters of lust and flesh. I'd love to hear what you are all about.
D: Of course. My mentioning of a "target on my back" was just a jest, I assure you.
I want to start by saying that I do not see Scritch City as a boring place. It just has a few boring people at the top. At first I had no dreams of grandeur. I know what I am.
I first sought out Quentin. He was talked up so much in your blog that I just had to meet with him. He was immensely boring. Lots of big talk, little bite. I even stole one of his church members to invoke some sort of response and he instead thanked me for it.
Moving on, the dragons. Nestor... Where do I start with Nestor? I was so excited when he asked me to become his pet. I said no to vex him and what does he do? He pouts in your blog. Pathetic.
After meeting with Baphomet I understood that if I want something interesting to happen, I need to make it happen. Baphoment gave me the power to make things happen.
I want Scritch City's walls to come down, so to say. I want the hierarchy to come crumbling down. So many believe that what they were born as or what they were born with means something. Like the powers that be care. I want to show that it is your actions that gain favor and respect. Admiration and acclaim.
I had wanted to meet with Miss Silky, but I'm not sure that will be possible now.
BT: If I can get you an interview with Miss Silky, would you accept it?
D: In a heartbeat.
BT: Miss Silky and Baphomet have a No-Hostilities Agreement. If you are linked with Baphomet, then there is no reason you [can't] meet with Miss Silky and hash things out. Yeah, there may be an issue with her not liking you, but there is no reason you both can't be civil and learn from one another. The best part is, I am with her right now. I can ask her while I am conducting this interview. I am only curious (as she would be too) as to what interest you have in the de facto leader of this great city. Care to give a hint? Surely there is more to it than deciding if she is boring or not.
D: I will be more than happy to uphold the No-Hostilities that have been agreed upon by Miss Silky and Baphomet. I would also understand completely if she does not take a liking to me.
I can only say that I want to know if she is interesting or not. Of course I want no extra effort from her to impress me now that she knows what I am looking for. I do not expect any extra effort as I have not done anything to deserve it. All I want is a nice evening and an eventful conversation. I want to know what the blog does not report. The off record stuff. Trading information for information.
BT: Fair enough. She will meet with you tonight (likely before this blog is posted.) I hope you forgive me, but I will not be there. I am keeping myself secluded to a room for the time. I've not really been in the mood to see anyone but Miss Silky since my release. I'll transfer your number to her, with your permission. That okay?
D: Completely understood and acceptable. I am delighted to be granted an audience with Miss Silky and I will not forget your assistance.
Is there anything else on your agenda? I'll be as open as I can.
BT: Your views on hedonism please. Be as absolutely candid as you [can]. Vague words won't be helpful in this case. We're just trying to understand you and your belief system. The question is especially relevant because of your alignment with Baphomet.
D: Well, I know hedonism carries with it many sexual connotations. I love those connotations. Hedonism is the attempt to seek out the maximum pleasure while minimizing unpleasantness. Pleasure is not strictly sexual. Accomplishing something such as a painter completing a masterpiece, a family purchasing their dream home, and yes, going naked wherever you'd like.
This system, like any other, will fail once the "free" element is added into it. Some will strive for their own pleasure while causing intentional unpleasantness to others. I, for one, would like to avoid that.
As far as Baphomet is concerned, I don't know what his entire thoughts on the subject are, so there is a chance that his ideals will change mine.
I'm only 19, Mr.Tippet. I'm not going to pretend to have all the answers. That's why I came to Scritch City, for guidance.
BT: Well, every hedonist has a slightly different viewpoint on the subject. The reason for this is [that] we all have different tastes. The point is that you strive to please yourself in whatever way you can achieve that. I personally prefer Miss Silky's more moderate approach to hedonism, but Baphomet has an entirely valid outlook as well. I think all points of view are valid honestly. Hedonism is all about the self. Our desires shape the world after all. We'd be nowhere without selfishness.
D: Spoken like a true journalist.
BT: Yes, but it's also what I believe. I like Scritch City, and I am glad to hear from someone who is so candid about [his] beliefs. Are you alone in this or have you formed a companion?
D: A product of my inexperience. Who knows, I may get a slap on the wrist for this interview.
I have friends who are doing their best to see that I succeed. Asides from Baphomet himself that is.
BT: Well, welcome to the top! I look forward to hearing more about your exploits in Scritch City. I'm sure Miss Silky with be contacting you soon. Thank you for the interview, Daxter.
D: It was a pleasure Buddy. I look forward to giving you all sorts of things to report about.
My most recent published book The Nom Nom Chrinicles has been selling well lately. It is still available in paperback and Kindle. Here's some information on how to purchase a copy:
15.99 - Paperback Edition
5.99 - Kindle Edition
Click here to see the listing of all of my books.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Buddy Tippet Returns
Ladies and gentlemen... I am Buddy Tippet. I am now free. Thank you for your patience.
I am presently staying at the Railroad Club under the care of Miss Silky. She has temporarily given me a guest bedroom. I won't be here very long. I am merely fulfilling a request. I'll soon be back at my home safe and sound.
I'm not really very interested in talking about dragons at the moment. I'm doing my best to clear my mind of them. I'd rather go back to what I was doing before. I want to provide you with news happening in Scritch City.
Beginning with...
The Scritch City Museum was burglarized yesterday. Two items were stolen. Two of the guards were murdered as well. But hey... it happens. If they weren't so bad at their jobs, they wouldn't have been killed, right?
The items were quite valuable, as the museum was presently showing off some ancient mystical artifacts. One of them was something called a "Lust Bearer Key." I'm having a little trouble figuring out what this key was, but it has a very interesting name. I can't tell you why though. Spoilers.
The other item was... and I really hate to mention this... It was a dragon artifact. I don't know much more about it than that, but I'll try and figure it out. Apparently it was really important to the museum's owner... which just happened to be Miss Silky. I'll probably talk to her more in depth about it tonight.
There was also an incident at the Scritch City Clinic (Pavilion branch). Doctor Brady was examining a patient and was later found unconscious. The patient, who we now know was named Ferros, is credited with the assault. Now, as it turns out, Ferros actually has a criminal record a mile long and apparently is wanted by the SC Penitentiary. Warden Hawk has been trying to petition Miss Silky to get him back for days now. Or weeks. Months. I'm not sure.
The point is that Ferros has finally struck again, and the law is, once more looking to remove him from society. And maybe that's okay. I'm not sure I like the guy. In my Railroad Towers days, I was held prisoner by him for a while... I think.
The last order of business I want to deal with has to do with someone named Daxter Agreste. After reading some of Nestor's blogs, he has suddenly captured my interest. I would like an interview with him as soon as possible. I just wanna see who he is and what he is up to within Scritch City.
And don't worry about me. I'm fine. I have a whole new outlook on life. I'm ready to move on and resume my life as one of Scritch City's most prominent hedonist Elites. The world is constantly shifting. Let's see where it takes us. ~Buddy Tippet
I am presently staying at the Railroad Club under the care of Miss Silky. She has temporarily given me a guest bedroom. I won't be here very long. I am merely fulfilling a request. I'll soon be back at my home safe and sound.
I'm not really very interested in talking about dragons at the moment. I'm doing my best to clear my mind of them. I'd rather go back to what I was doing before. I want to provide you with news happening in Scritch City.
Beginning with...
The Scritch City Museum was burglarized yesterday. Two items were stolen. Two of the guards were murdered as well. But hey... it happens. If they weren't so bad at their jobs, they wouldn't have been killed, right?
The items were quite valuable, as the museum was presently showing off some ancient mystical artifacts. One of them was something called a "Lust Bearer Key." I'm having a little trouble figuring out what this key was, but it has a very interesting name. I can't tell you why though. Spoilers.
The other item was... and I really hate to mention this... It was a dragon artifact. I don't know much more about it than that, but I'll try and figure it out. Apparently it was really important to the museum's owner... which just happened to be Miss Silky. I'll probably talk to her more in depth about it tonight.
There was also an incident at the Scritch City Clinic (Pavilion branch). Doctor Brady was examining a patient and was later found unconscious. The patient, who we now know was named Ferros, is credited with the assault. Now, as it turns out, Ferros actually has a criminal record a mile long and apparently is wanted by the SC Penitentiary. Warden Hawk has been trying to petition Miss Silky to get him back for days now. Or weeks. Months. I'm not sure.
The point is that Ferros has finally struck again, and the law is, once more looking to remove him from society. And maybe that's okay. I'm not sure I like the guy. In my Railroad Towers days, I was held prisoner by him for a while... I think.
The last order of business I want to deal with has to do with someone named Daxter Agreste. After reading some of Nestor's blogs, he has suddenly captured my interest. I would like an interview with him as soon as possible. I just wanna see who he is and what he is up to within Scritch City.
And don't worry about me. I'm fine. I have a whole new outlook on life. I'm ready to move on and resume my life as one of Scritch City's most prominent hedonist Elites. The world is constantly shifting. Let's see where it takes us. ~Buddy Tippet
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
The Release of Buddy Tippet
[The following blog was posted under the authority of Prince Ara of the Predatory Union and by his faithful servant, Nestor.]
I am rather annoyed. My attempts to keep a hold on Buddy Tippet has entirely failed. Miss Silky and I talked for nearly three hours. I don't think I ever had a chance. What a strong woman she is! Don't get me wrong. I do respect her. Miss Silky is a predator. Felines are very well-to-do in the PU. But I can't express enough how much I wanted Buddy to remain in the custody of the dragon elite!
Buddy Tippet is a brilliant author, when he focuses on the facts. We could have built him up into one of the greatest dragon fiction writers in the union. But alas, it was not to be. Buddy belongs to a different predator. Miss Silky, you may have him back with the blessing of Prince Ara. I did what I could, but it was sadly not enough.
Buddy Tippet will be released in a few days and his laptop will also be returned to him. This will be my final post to this blog. It was fun... some of the most fun I have ever had. I am honestly considering getting into writing because of it.
But I digress.
I received a phone call from Daxter over night. I was not really asleep. I was still steaming over my conversation with Miss Silky. It sounds as if Daxter has had a resurgence in his interest with the dragon clan. I may not have mentioned this, but Daxter is a poet, and he requested some time with one of our beautiful females as a means of inspiration. I have not yet decided what I shall do. I'll not have Buddy's laptop by the time this decision is made, so there is a chance you may not learn the truth unless Buddy kindly relays the information. I shall do my best to stay in contact with him.
Also before I lose my platform within Scritch City, I have received a response from Quentin pertaining to his rat date. It's incredibly boring, but I suppose I should be a good boy and post it here while I can:
Yes, I was with a rat at the Railroad Club. I was so [sic] as part of my priest duties. She is part of my congregation, and as a result of our time together at the club, I helped her get set up with another member of the congregation.
Well, I have nothing more to say about it. Let it be known that for a brief time, the dragons had a platform within Scritch City. We are still here in the Salmon Bluff resort. Come visit us, if you dare. With my final breath, I give great praise and thanks to Prince Ara for allowing me to do this for so long. It was an honor and also very enjoyable. I leave you, not with a book promotion, but with a final painting in honor of my last post. So long! Fair well! Cheers! ~Nestor
I am rather annoyed. My attempts to keep a hold on Buddy Tippet has entirely failed. Miss Silky and I talked for nearly three hours. I don't think I ever had a chance. What a strong woman she is! Don't get me wrong. I do respect her. Miss Silky is a predator. Felines are very well-to-do in the PU. But I can't express enough how much I wanted Buddy to remain in the custody of the dragon elite!
Buddy Tippet is a brilliant author, when he focuses on the facts. We could have built him up into one of the greatest dragon fiction writers in the union. But alas, it was not to be. Buddy belongs to a different predator. Miss Silky, you may have him back with the blessing of Prince Ara. I did what I could, but it was sadly not enough.
Buddy Tippet will be released in a few days and his laptop will also be returned to him. This will be my final post to this blog. It was fun... some of the most fun I have ever had. I am honestly considering getting into writing because of it.
But I digress.
I received a phone call from Daxter over night. I was not really asleep. I was still steaming over my conversation with Miss Silky. It sounds as if Daxter has had a resurgence in his interest with the dragon clan. I may not have mentioned this, but Daxter is a poet, and he requested some time with one of our beautiful females as a means of inspiration. I have not yet decided what I shall do. I'll not have Buddy's laptop by the time this decision is made, so there is a chance you may not learn the truth unless Buddy kindly relays the information. I shall do my best to stay in contact with him.
Also before I lose my platform within Scritch City, I have received a response from Quentin pertaining to his rat date. It's incredibly boring, but I suppose I should be a good boy and post it here while I can:
Yes, I was with a rat at the Railroad Club. I was so [sic] as part of my priest duties. She is part of my congregation, and as a result of our time together at the club, I helped her get set up with another member of the congregation.
Well, I have nothing more to say about it. Let it be known that for a brief time, the dragons had a platform within Scritch City. We are still here in the Salmon Bluff resort. Come visit us, if you dare. With my final breath, I give great praise and thanks to Prince Ara for allowing me to do this for so long. It was an honor and also very enjoyable. I leave you, not with a book promotion, but with a final painting in honor of my last post. So long! Fair well! Cheers! ~Nestor
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Quentin and a Rat
[The following blog was posted under the authority of Prince Ara of the Predatory Union and by his faithful servant, Nestor.]
I've never been one to tell other predators what they should and shouldn't be doing... but... seriously, Quentin... a rat? Are you getting lovey dovey on one of our world's most undesirable omnivores? It sure sounded like it to me. I will give you an opportunity to explain, of course. And even without an explanation, I'm still extremely interested in meeting you.
Rats are not treated well within the Predatory Union, mind you. They tend to have less than desirable attitudes compared to our other slaves. Sometimes they don't even do as told. And if you let them, they can get rather large. And a large rat can often feel a bit entitled.
I hear there are quite a lot of rats running around Scritch City. We've promised not to do anything to them, as long as they stay away from Salmon Bluff. Miss Silky must not mind rats very much either. Not sure if its true, but one of the stories in b.t. suggested that she worked with rats quite often. Dreadful really.
I think this blog has gossiped enough. A storm is coming, and I'd rather not be connected at the moment. But I shall leave you with a new promotional for Buddy Tippet. His first book, Pack Rats of The Inside, is the one for today. Have a look if you like an erotic, strange, and spooky read. ~Nestor
Monday, September 2, 2019
A Short Message from Buddy Tippet
[The following blog was posted under the authority of Prince Ara of the Predatory Union and monitored and/or edited by his faithful servant, Nestor. The text itself was designed and written by the blog's true owner, Buddy Tippet.]
This is Buddy Tippet. I am doing well. Although I am still in recovery, I want to say a few things, as the dragons have been kind enough to temporarily release me back my laptop.
First of all, I want to apologize for all the trouble I made for the dragons. They were more than generous with their punishment of me. It could have been worse. It... should have been worse.
During the time I last had control of this blog, I did some awful things. I doxxed Aloe which was cruel and unnecessary. It put me in bad standing with Miss Silky, and for that I apologize.
As to the dragons, I am very sorry for the harm and suffering I caused them by writing Getting Scent-imental. The story is 100% false and not based on anything real. I was not in a good mindset when I wrote it. I have agreed, at a later date, to write a better, more accurate story that falls more in line with dragon culture and their dealings outside the Predatory Union.
Writing that story was a crime. I deserved my punishment, and I deserve far worse. I am no better than a terrorist to the good dragons of the PU. I have sullied both their name and mine. If Miss Silky releases me from Scritch City, I will agree to go with them and become a better writer for them.
Once again, I am a sorry human at the mercy of the great Prince Ara and his lovely wife, the Princess Fuscia. Until the time of my release, I am their humble servant. I promise never to write an untrue thing ever again. No book promotion this week. I don't deserve it.
[I have reviewed/edited this blog and have deemed it appropriate for posting. Cheers. ~Nestor.]
This is Buddy Tippet. I am doing well. Although I am still in recovery, I want to say a few things, as the dragons have been kind enough to temporarily release me back my laptop.
First of all, I want to apologize for all the trouble I made for the dragons. They were more than generous with their punishment of me. It could have been worse. It... should have been worse.
During the time I last had control of this blog, I did some awful things. I doxxed Aloe which was cruel and unnecessary. It put me in bad standing with Miss Silky, and for that I apologize.
As to the dragons, I am very sorry for the harm and suffering I caused them by writing Getting Scent-imental. The story is 100% false and not based on anything real. I was not in a good mindset when I wrote it. I have agreed, at a later date, to write a better, more accurate story that falls more in line with dragon culture and their dealings outside the Predatory Union.
Writing that story was a crime. I deserved my punishment, and I deserve far worse. I am no better than a terrorist to the good dragons of the PU. I have sullied both their name and mine. If Miss Silky releases me from Scritch City, I will agree to go with them and become a better writer for them.
Once again, I am a sorry human at the mercy of the great Prince Ara and his lovely wife, the Princess Fuscia. Until the time of my release, I am their humble servant. I promise never to write an untrue thing ever again. No book promotion this week. I don't deserve it.
[I have reviewed/edited this blog and have deemed it appropriate for posting. Cheers. ~Nestor.]
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