Tuesday, June 18, 2019

My Interview with Aloe

Buddy Tippet: Aloe, thank you ever so much for meeting with me. I first want to apologize for my behavior on the last of your journal posts. I should also say that I, perhaps, should not have been posting them to begin with. I hope we can bury the hatchet before we begin.

Aloe: Oh no worries! Please Mr.Tippet, I've thrown my tantrums as well so I completely understand. It was a freak accident after all right? I mean, my journals are mine and mine alone. You getting them just on your desk [at] random... that must have been scary.

BT: It was, at first. I tend to be a bit impulsive. I posted them with the mind that I was meant to post them. Maybe I was. Either way, I think it all went to my head. I think I may have hurt you and others. Once again, very sorry.

A: It's... I mean. You did cause problems, but I'm starting to learn that this is just the way Scritch City works. I feel like we're all puppets held up by higher powers. The only question is "Who should I pledge my loyalty to?" You know?

BT: Yes, well the nice thing about this city is that there are plenty of choices. I made mine. You can make yours.

So, Aloe, due to a bit of a shocking claim made by Miss Silky that I was required to post, we all learned that you are a weasel. Other than that, we still know very little. What more would you like to reveal about yourself? No pressure.

A: Oh gosh... That's a big question, Mr.Tippet. I don't want to reveal anything if I'm honest. I will tell you that I am a thief, a weasel too, and I was trained to keep myself as such. Any info that could jeopardize me I wouldn't dare to tell. If Miss Silky felt it was okay to expose me as a weasel then I can only trust her judgement. She's an amazing woman. I can't help but feel that she's a powerful ally. I mean, you did confirm that in your previous blogs. Which begs the question of why you felt confident enough to defy her... but that's not my business.

BT: I will respect your privacy. A thief is not an altogether bad profession. Even good things can come from it.

As for Miss Silky and I... I claim temporary insanity. I forgot that she was in charge. And she IS in charge. She put a lot of trust in me, and I simply messed up.

But tell me, how have you enjoyed living with Quentin as well as your time within the Church of Starry Wisdom?

A: Miss Silky is... god... she's something else.

I'm not one to judge on the prospects of insanity. I'll leave that up to you and her. Mr.Tippet. Buddy? I want to trust you, Buddy, but I know you just report.

That being said I won't expose Quentin. He gave me the second chance that I wouldn't be here without. The church is amazing. Save for Patrick. I mean... rape is normal in this city. I can accept that, but I just may have to preemptively dom him.

Regardless, let's get back to your questions.

BT: Many animals in Scritch City are strong willed and others tend to be more timid. The strong tend to rule over the weak in most cases. Would you say you are more of the timid type or do you think you have that strength in you? I ask because most weasels are considered predator class.

A: Haha, that's a good question, Buddy. I hope to remain in the shadows. The less I'm seen the better. That being said I do have methods to permanently quiet those that are unfortunate enough to spot me.

As far as strength? I can kill. I've done so before. That's not a barrier for me when it comes to completing my tasks.

BT: Then I hope we remain in good rapport. Haha. Have you joined the church or plan on it? I rather enjoyed my time there. I might even run into you if you end up becoming an official member.

A: I hope to too! I would love to speak with you face to face!

As far as the church goes well... [sic] you already know about my meeting with The Fairy Ermine so I can't hide that. Let me tell you, she is very... very convincing.

I'm still undecided on the church however.

BT: I was a big fan of all the cosplay stuff. I heard they got a Star Fox group now. That would be so cool to "meet the team." I've always been a fan of Fox and his team ever since the original games. And the erotic community has really gotten a hold of the franchise.

Also... Zootopia. ❤

A: So true! So true, Buddy. This church is like nothing of the other churches I've encountered before. They're so open and accepting. All the viewers know that since they've accepted a thief, but I digress.

Cosplay is very prudent [sic] in the church and I'm loving it! I'd love to pull off a little Tifa cosplay haha.

BT: Tifa? Who is that?

A: Hahha, Final Fantasy 7 of course! The childhood friend of Cloud. She's confident, compassionate... sexy~

BT: Right over my head. Never really got into that game. But that's cool that you have something you would like to play.

So I'll wrap this up. Have any plans you wanna share? Any aspirations? We all have them!

A: Honestly, Buddy, I just want to be of use to Quentin. I know he'd never do me wrong. So to answer the question I would say wherever he goes, I go. He wouldn't do me wrong... ever.

BT: Well, that is very noble of you. I hope we can talk again soon, Aloe. You seem like a very cool person. Thank's for giving up some of your time for me.

A: Stay safe, Buddy.


I want to remind you all that I have a new book out called The Nom Nom Chronicles. It is a book all about perfectly good and healthy people becoming someone else's meal. Below is some information as well as a fucked up image of the cover. Enjoy!

15.99 - Paperback Edition
5.99 - Kindle Edition

Click here to see the Amazon.com listing of all of my books.


  1. Buddy and Aloe speak guardedly, as if they know their doms are listening, eagerly awaiting excuses to punish them. Of course everything is BDS&M, the Scritch City version of Law and Order is Dominance and Submission. A weasel of course: natural thieves. Aloe has killed before, and that implies that she is dark at heart indeed.

    1. It's just her profession. When you live in a hedonistic society, killing should be controlled but allowed. We still have a police force.

  2. I love Cosplay girls, I would be more interested in seeing some Tifa cosplay over Star Fox of course. Fascinating interview, puppets of a higher power indeed.
