[The following interview was posted under the authority of Prince Ara of the Predatory Union and by his faithful servant, Nestor.]
Buddy Tippet: I am here now with the famed prince of the Predatory Union, that being Prince Ara. He is quite the site to behold. A beautiful white scaled body adorned with gold and silver jewelry. I have been very excited about this interview for a long time. Thank you so much, Your Highness, for letting me visit you at the fabulous Salmon Bluff resort.
Prince Ara: My pleasure, Buddy. I am only sorry my lovely wife Fuscia could not make it here for this.
BT: That is quite all right, Prince. I have been fascinated by dragons for a long time. I can't even remember when it started. Why, my last book The Nom Nom Chronicles had dragons all over the place. I might have gone a little overboard, but I regret nothing.
PA: [He chuckles.] I am well aware of your love for our kind. I wish I could say the same about humans.
BT: Don't like humans very much?
PA: They are average at best. I don't mind them. I understand that they are capable of holding certain elite positions, but I would never consider them to be anything close to alpha predator.
BT: I know the dragons consider themselves to be the very height of all things predatory. There are none above you, and all are below you. Am I correct in this?
PA: You are correct in so much as we are what we say we are. It is not so much a consideration as it is an acceptance of truth. We are better than all others. We are the true alpha predator, which gives us rights to rule the Union as we see fit.
BT: Where I come from originally, humans have written stories about slaying dragons. Some of us believe them to be true.
PA: [He made a confusing chuckle-like sound. I had difficulty interpreting it.] Humans are known for having a great ego and nothing more. If they want to write about the slaying of dragons, in an effort to make them feel great, then let them. But I would gladly face down a human in armed or even unarmed combat. They would pose little threat to me.
BT: Are dragons often trained in the art of combat?
PA: We are trained in the art of naked combat. Dragons are dangerous in all forms. We have claws that can easily tear flesh. We have jaws that can crush skulls. And we enjoy eating live and even sentient prey. Such things are both easy and enjoyable to us. Any dragon who falls short of this deserves to die, or at the very least, be made a slave like the many prey we keep stock of within the Union.
BT: Naked, huh?
PA: [He grinned at me.] You sound pleased. Perhaps in a perverted way.
BT: Maybe a bit. I really do like dragons. I would love to see a dragon fight in the nude.
PA; It is only to prove that we are extremely dangerous even without the armor and arms. But I understand how you must feel that way.
BT: Tell me about the Predatory Union.
PA: It is a closed society broken down into nine provinces. Each province is controlled by a different Dragon Lord. The Dragon Lords all answer to me, but it is not as impersonal as it sounds. We are all good friends and get along well. Very rarely will you find two dragons who get into an untenable argument. We are a fairly united race.
The provinces manage prey species and sub predator species in class-based tiers. The prey have their own tiers. Mice and rabbits are usually at the very bottom. You may have higher prey, such as elk, ranging closer to the sub-preds.
BT: What are sub-preds?
PA: Small predators such as weasels or foxes.
BT: Oh.
PA: They are meat eaters that still fall under the control of higher and alpha predators. They are still technically our slaves. All citizens of the Predatory Union are given housing to live in and provided with a comfortable life. But if they are called to serve their government, they are expected to give their lives for it... as a slave... for sex... for food.
BT: And they never rebel?
PA: Not really. Perhaps in a very wishy-washy sort of way. Activism. That sort of things. You know how those things are, I suppose.
BT: I know something of activism. I mean... Activism can have some power. It can make things happen.
PA: [He shakes his head.] The only power the activists have is the power we give them. At the end of the day, they still belong to us.
BT: I'm wondering where a human would fall within the Predatory Union. Are we sub-predators? We are meat eaters.
PA: [Said with some disgust.] Omnivores.
BT: What's wrong with omnivores?
PA: You're nothing but rats. Prolific and apt at survival, but ultimately very easy to manage as long as we give you what you want. Humans will never garner much respect from me. The only reason I agreed to this interview was as a favor for Miss Silky. She thinks much of you as this city's leading freelance journalist. I can respect you for your elite status, but that has nothing to do with you being a human.
BT: Believe it or not, I understand your perspective.
PA: It isn't a perspective. It's the world, and you're living in it.
BT: I don't have any other way of explaining it. I just get it. I don't really mind how the Predatory Union functions. It has proven itself within the world powers perfectly well. Not everybody likes that you keep slaves, but nobody is really willing to stop you. And besides, Scritch City has always supported your slave owning rights. We do a tiny bit of it ourselves. Usually sex slaves.
PA: Those who are less than you ought to serve you.
BT: Right. I am a fan.
PA: You know, Buddy, I have read your books. I follow this blog of yours as well.
BT: Thank you. I... I assume you read b.t. as well?
PA: Yes, we need to talk about that. Would you like both a comment and a criticism?
BT: Always.
PA: Your short story The Law of Dragons was extremely good. It may possibly the best thing you have ever written. You obviously did a lot of dragon and Union research before you wrote it.
BT: Thank you, and I did. I was actually inspired by a little role play exercise I was into at the time, unfinished by the way. That was when I began researching for the Predatory Union. I loved the whole concept so much that I ended up changing a few of the characters to better suit the country. I poured my heart into that story.
PA: Was this before or after your alleged stint in the fabled placed known as Railroad Towers?
BT: Um. I don't know. Actually, now I'm a little confused.
PA: Either way, it is your best story. Now, we should talk about your other story within b.t. called... Getting Scent-imental.
BT: I was afraid this was coming up.
PA: How could I avoid it? In this story, you show an alpha-type dragon demeaned and degraded into a hapless, cock-sucking faggot. True?
BT: I thought it was kinky.
PA: Ah, yes. And there we have a problem. I'm not really fond of this sort of slander against our kind. In fact, it rather ruined what I thought of you after reading The Law of Dragons. I was rather disgusted by it.
BT: I'm sorry.
PA: Sorry isn't good enough. I'm sorry to say this, but I've had a talk with a number of Dragon Lords about this. We all felt that you needed to be reprimanded for publishing this.
BT: Well, too bad. I belong to Miss Silky. If you touch me, you'll be causing an international incident. Either way, I am still sorry it upset you. I was only writing it for my own libido.
PA: A very stupid and ill-honed libido, Mister Tippet. Now, listen very carefully. I have already spoken to Miss Silky. She has granted me permission to effect a punishment on you. I'm sorry to say, but I cannot let you leave the resort after this interview is over.
BT: What the actual fuck?!
PA: You will be removed from your blog for a period. My loyal servant Nestor, who you see over there, will be taking over your blog and promoting your books until you are returned to your position. Although b.t. will be omitted during this time for its slander.
BT: This is bullshit! This is my blog! I'm the only one who can post on it!
PA: You should be more worried about what you are about to suffer. This isn't going to be a nice thing, Buddy. The dragons have perfected our means of torture over many centuries. You're going to suffer more than you ever have in your life, and when it's all over and you are able to see the light of day again, you'll perhaps have a new perspective on the world and the dragons who live within that world.
BT: Fuck you! I'm calling Miss Silky!
PA: Drexil, could you please subdue him? [Buddy Tippet was beaten until unconscious at this point in the interview.] Thank you.
Now if you would, Nestor, type out a promotion for one of his books and submit it to the blog. Miss Silky has provided me with his sign-in information.
Buddy Tippet's new book The Nom Nom Chronicles is out for sale. Please check the price guide and link below for more information. Thank you for visiting this blog. ~Nestor
15.99 - Paperback Edition
5.99 - Kindle Edition
Click here to see the Amazon.com listing of all of my books.
Tuesday, June 25, 2019
Tuesday, June 18, 2019
My Interview with Aloe
Buddy Tippet: Aloe, thank you ever so much for meeting with me. I first want to apologize for my behavior on the last of your journal posts. I should also say that I, perhaps, should not have been posting them to begin with. I hope we can bury the hatchet before we begin.
Aloe: Oh no worries! Please Mr.Tippet, I've thrown my tantrums as well so I completely understand. It was a freak accident after all right? I mean, my journals are mine and mine alone. You getting them just on your desk [at] random... that must have been scary.
BT: It was, at first. I tend to be a bit impulsive. I posted them with the mind that I was meant to post them. Maybe I was. Either way, I think it all went to my head. I think I may have hurt you and others. Once again, very sorry.
A: It's... I mean. You did cause problems, but I'm starting to learn that this is just the way Scritch City works. I feel like we're all puppets held up by higher powers. The only question is "Who should I pledge my loyalty to?" You know?
BT: Yes, well the nice thing about this city is that there are plenty of choices. I made mine. You can make yours.
So, Aloe, due to a bit of a shocking claim made by Miss Silky that I was required to post, we all learned that you are a weasel. Other than that, we still know very little. What more would you like to reveal about yourself? No pressure.
A: Oh gosh... That's a big question, Mr.Tippet. I don't want to reveal anything if I'm honest. I will tell you that I am a thief, a weasel too, and I was trained to keep myself as such. Any info that could jeopardize me I wouldn't dare to tell. If Miss Silky felt it was okay to expose me as a weasel then I can only trust her judgement. She's an amazing woman. I can't help but feel that she's a powerful ally. I mean, you did confirm that in your previous blogs. Which begs the question of why you felt confident enough to defy her... but that's not my business.
BT: I will respect your privacy. A thief is not an altogether bad profession. Even good things can come from it.
As for Miss Silky and I... I claim temporary insanity. I forgot that she was in charge. And she IS in charge. She put a lot of trust in me, and I simply messed up.
But tell me, how have you enjoyed living with Quentin as well as your time within the Church of Starry Wisdom?
A: Miss Silky is... god... she's something else.
I'm not one to judge on the prospects of insanity. I'll leave that up to you and her. Mr.Tippet. Buddy? I want to trust you, Buddy, but I know you just report.
That being said I won't expose Quentin. He gave me the second chance that I wouldn't be here without. The church is amazing. Save for Patrick. I mean... rape is normal in this city. I can accept that, but I just may have to preemptively dom him.
Regardless, let's get back to your questions.
BT: Many animals in Scritch City are strong willed and others tend to be more timid. The strong tend to rule over the weak in most cases. Would you say you are more of the timid type or do you think you have that strength in you? I ask because most weasels are considered predator class.
A: Haha, that's a good question, Buddy. I hope to remain in the shadows. The less I'm seen the better. That being said I do have methods to permanently quiet those that are unfortunate enough to spot me.
As far as strength? I can kill. I've done so before. That's not a barrier for me when it comes to completing my tasks.
BT: Then I hope we remain in good rapport. Haha. Have you joined the church or plan on it? I rather enjoyed my time there. I might even run into you if you end up becoming an official member.
A: I hope to too! I would love to speak with you face to face!
As far as the church goes well... [sic] you already know about my meeting with The Fairy Ermine so I can't hide that. Let me tell you, she is very... very convincing.
I'm still undecided on the church however.
BT: I was a big fan of all the cosplay stuff. I heard they got a Star Fox group now. That would be so cool to "meet the team." I've always been a fan of Fox and his team ever since the original games. And the erotic community has really gotten a hold of the franchise.
Also... Zootopia. ❤
A: So true! So true, Buddy. This church is like nothing of the other churches I've encountered before. They're so open and accepting. All the viewers know that since they've accepted a thief, but I digress.
Cosplay is very prudent [sic] in the church and I'm loving it! I'd love to pull off a little Tifa cosplay haha.
BT: Tifa? Who is that?
A: Hahha, Final Fantasy 7 of course! The childhood friend of Cloud. She's confident, compassionate... sexy~
BT: Right over my head. Never really got into that game. But that's cool that you have something you would like to play.
So I'll wrap this up. Have any plans you wanna share? Any aspirations? We all have them!
A: Honestly, Buddy, I just want to be of use to Quentin. I know he'd never do me wrong. So to answer the question I would say wherever he goes, I go. He wouldn't do me wrong... ever.
BT: Well, that is very noble of you. I hope we can talk again soon, Aloe. You seem like a very cool person. Thank's for giving up some of your time for me.
A: Stay safe, Buddy.
I want to remind you all that I have a new book out called The Nom Nom Chronicles. It is a book all about perfectly good and healthy people becoming someone else's meal. Below is some information as well as a fucked up image of the cover. Enjoy!
15.99 - Paperback Edition
5.99 - Kindle Edition
Click here to see the Amazon.com listing of all of my books.
Aloe: Oh no worries! Please Mr.Tippet, I've thrown my tantrums as well so I completely understand. It was a freak accident after all right? I mean, my journals are mine and mine alone. You getting them just on your desk [at] random... that must have been scary.
BT: It was, at first. I tend to be a bit impulsive. I posted them with the mind that I was meant to post them. Maybe I was. Either way, I think it all went to my head. I think I may have hurt you and others. Once again, very sorry.
A: It's... I mean. You did cause problems, but I'm starting to learn that this is just the way Scritch City works. I feel like we're all puppets held up by higher powers. The only question is "Who should I pledge my loyalty to?" You know?
BT: Yes, well the nice thing about this city is that there are plenty of choices. I made mine. You can make yours.
So, Aloe, due to a bit of a shocking claim made by Miss Silky that I was required to post, we all learned that you are a weasel. Other than that, we still know very little. What more would you like to reveal about yourself? No pressure.
A: Oh gosh... That's a big question, Mr.Tippet. I don't want to reveal anything if I'm honest. I will tell you that I am a thief, a weasel too, and I was trained to keep myself as such. Any info that could jeopardize me I wouldn't dare to tell. If Miss Silky felt it was okay to expose me as a weasel then I can only trust her judgement. She's an amazing woman. I can't help but feel that she's a powerful ally. I mean, you did confirm that in your previous blogs. Which begs the question of why you felt confident enough to defy her... but that's not my business.
BT: I will respect your privacy. A thief is not an altogether bad profession. Even good things can come from it.
As for Miss Silky and I... I claim temporary insanity. I forgot that she was in charge. And she IS in charge. She put a lot of trust in me, and I simply messed up.
But tell me, how have you enjoyed living with Quentin as well as your time within the Church of Starry Wisdom?
A: Miss Silky is... god... she's something else.
I'm not one to judge on the prospects of insanity. I'll leave that up to you and her. Mr.Tippet. Buddy? I want to trust you, Buddy, but I know you just report.
That being said I won't expose Quentin. He gave me the second chance that I wouldn't be here without. The church is amazing. Save for Patrick. I mean... rape is normal in this city. I can accept that, but I just may have to preemptively dom him.
Regardless, let's get back to your questions.
BT: Many animals in Scritch City are strong willed and others tend to be more timid. The strong tend to rule over the weak in most cases. Would you say you are more of the timid type or do you think you have that strength in you? I ask because most weasels are considered predator class.
A: Haha, that's a good question, Buddy. I hope to remain in the shadows. The less I'm seen the better. That being said I do have methods to permanently quiet those that are unfortunate enough to spot me.
As far as strength? I can kill. I've done so before. That's not a barrier for me when it comes to completing my tasks.
BT: Then I hope we remain in good rapport. Haha. Have you joined the church or plan on it? I rather enjoyed my time there. I might even run into you if you end up becoming an official member.
A: I hope to too! I would love to speak with you face to face!
As far as the church goes well... [sic] you already know about my meeting with The Fairy Ermine so I can't hide that. Let me tell you, she is very... very convincing.
I'm still undecided on the church however.
BT: I was a big fan of all the cosplay stuff. I heard they got a Star Fox group now. That would be so cool to "meet the team." I've always been a fan of Fox and his team ever since the original games. And the erotic community has really gotten a hold of the franchise.
Also... Zootopia. ❤
A: So true! So true, Buddy. This church is like nothing of the other churches I've encountered before. They're so open and accepting. All the viewers know that since they've accepted a thief, but I digress.
Cosplay is very prudent [sic] in the church and I'm loving it! I'd love to pull off a little Tifa cosplay haha.
BT: Tifa? Who is that?
A: Hahha, Final Fantasy 7 of course! The childhood friend of Cloud. She's confident, compassionate... sexy~
BT: Right over my head. Never really got into that game. But that's cool that you have something you would like to play.
So I'll wrap this up. Have any plans you wanna share? Any aspirations? We all have them!
A: Honestly, Buddy, I just want to be of use to Quentin. I know he'd never do me wrong. So to answer the question I would say wherever he goes, I go. He wouldn't do me wrong... ever.
BT: Well, that is very noble of you. I hope we can talk again soon, Aloe. You seem like a very cool person. Thank's for giving up some of your time for me.
A: Stay safe, Buddy.
I want to remind you all that I have a new book out called The Nom Nom Chronicles. It is a book all about perfectly good and healthy people becoming someone else's meal. Below is some information as well as a fucked up image of the cover. Enjoy!
15.99 - Paperback Edition
5.99 - Kindle Edition
Click here to see the Amazon.com listing of all of my books.
Tuesday, June 11, 2019
A Call to See Miss Silky
Miss Silky asked to meet with me in her personal quarters at the Railroad Club earlier today. Due to certain contractual obligations, I am required to post every word of this interview.
Buddy Tippet: Miss Silky.
Miss Silky: Are you recording?
BT: Yes. How did you know?
MS: Sit.
BT: I prefer to stand.
MS: Sit.
BT: Okay then.
MS: Good. Now, I don't want you to speak as much as I want you to listen, Mister Tippet. Can you do that for me?
BT: All right.
MS: I recently had Aloe over in this very room. She was a very nice weasel woman. We had a lovely talk and I took care of the situation involving her journal. You won't be getting any more entries from her.
Now that we have dealt with that, I hear that you will be interviewing her soon. Am I correct?
BT: I'm hoping to do that. Yes.
MS: Good. I want you to interview her. But during this interview you will treat her with a lot more respect than you did on your blog.
BT: I was only...
MS: I didn't give you permission to talk. I told you to stay quiet, and you agreed to it. Are you going to be a little shit, Buddy? [I say nothing.] Good. Mister Tippet, you were perfectly nasty the last few days over that blog. It was very unbecoming. I put a lot on the line when I accepted you into Scritch City. I think that some of the leeway I have provided for you has gone to your head a bit.
You really upset Aloe. She's a good girl and is probably going to become one of the most beloved people within this city, given time. You hurt her with your words. You hurt me too. Do you have anything to say in your defense?
BT: Can I answer?
MS: Are you going to act like a piece of trash for this entire interview?
BT: Oh, jeez. Don't call me that.
MS: What has you worried?
BT: I remember you from Railroad Towers. [She glares at me.] That was you, wasn't it?
MS: What the hell is wrong with you, Buddy? Why can't you just deal with the power we have given you. You've been our faithful journalist ever since you arrived here. Why are you acting like this?
BT: Why was I getting those journal entries?
MS: That is none of your concern. The point is how you dealt with it. You've been acting like an entitled prick.
BT: But... this is my world. Aloe is here because I let her in here. I was receiving her journals because she... wanted me to see them. They were RTFs. This is her fault.
MS: Buddy... you are crossing a dangerous line here. I brought you here with the expectation that you would behave and play by the rules. You're venturing into places that none of us want to go. And I'll be damned if I let you take us with you again.
BT: It was Quentin's fault.
MS: You are going to be punished soon. You won't know when it is coming, but it will come. Don't worry about the blog. It will be saved and cared for during your time of tribulation. But when it comes about, you will hopefully learn your place in this city. Do you understand me?
BT: I think so. I'm so confused right now.
MS: You will post this entire interview, verbatim, to your blog at the usual time tonight. If you fail to do so, you will be in violation of our contract.
BT: But none of this is my fault. It's everyone else that's doing this to me. It isn't fair.
MS: Listen to me, you little piece of trash. I don't care what hand you think you have in creating this place, but while you are living within it, you will abide by the laws of the ruling class. That means me. And if you ever cross me, I will bring you into a nightmare that you will never escape from. That Silky that you met in Railroad Towers and the one found in your book does not even come close to the tortures you will suffer. I am not to be crossed. You will be punished, and if you want to go on being this city's premier journalist, then you will take it like a man and move on. Understand me?
BT: Yes, ma'am.
MS: Go home, and don't call me again until your tribulation has passed.
BT: Yes, ma'am.
Aloe, I'm awaiting our interview. Talk to you soon. Also here is a trailer and some information for my original best seller "Pack Rats of The Inside."
$9.99 - Paperback Edition
$5.99 - Kindle Edition
Wednesday, June 5, 2019
The Mystery Journal of Aloe, Vol. 6
Okay, I'm a bit confused by this one. I'm getting all kinds of bad feelings. I'll post it first, and then I'll speak my mind on the matter.
I cannot begin to express how off-beat this one feels. And no, I am not worried about her little death threat. I've got plenty of protection on my end after all. I'm just not buying any of it anymore.
This is the first journal she has written after finding out about the blog posts. She ran into Ferros... of all fucking people. Fucking Ferros. That's the fucking ferret that held me captive in Railroad Towers. Of course, I'm not sure if it's the same one.
Also I don't get the reason for all that garbage at the bottom. I'm sure there is a point to it, but I can't wrap my head around it. This journal seems specifically designed to work against what I am doing. I can't really prove it, but I just feel it. I fucking feel it.
That's it. I'm not posting anymore of these. Aloe, contact me soon or I'll make sure you get contacted directly. I'm not messing around. I don't like to be played with. Don't cross me, Aloe.
D̶o̶n̴'̷t̵ ̸f̶u̴c̶k̸i̸n̷g̸ ̵c̷r̷o̴s̵s̸ ̴m̶e̵.̸
I've been here a lot longer than you have. I let you into this world... and I can take you out.
Remember when you said things were slowing down Aloe? That was nice wasn't
So I stayed in the car after Quentin and I got to where ever we were and I
swear I must have checked the locks on the door like a hundred times. Every
time I saw a blue or red light out of the corner of my eyes I freaked a little
too. I really don't want another meeting with the cops if I can help it.
While Quentin was away I put my nose right back into Buddy Tippet's blog...
well ignorance is a bliss isn't it? My journals are public. It's been a few
hours since but I still feel like puking. How in the hell!? I've had my journal
close to me this whole time! There is no way someone could have photocopied my
entries without my knowledge!
I went into the building Quentin did in order to come clean. I mean... I
want him to trust me and this... this whole thing... I didn't write down
anything that the green fox already didn't admit to or go on record saying in
an interview, but I don't know this city. Did I slip up and reveal something
that only a seasoned citizen of Scritch City could pick out? I want to rip up
my journal or set on fire or something but I think the damage is done.
I ran into someone named Ferros while looking for Quentin. I don't know if
it was my big stupid crocadile tears or what, but he asked me what was wrong
and I broke like a dam. He said he could help, I don't know if he offered out
of pity or what, but I was desperate. He said he could do something to
Quentin's phone that would block keywords or search for mentions of my exposed
journals... I don't know how it works, but I'm so happy I met this little
I ran back to the car before Quentin could realize I was missing and dried
my face. I screamed, kicked, and made promises to kill Buddy Tippet. It made me
feel... a little better.
Now that I
have the words written down I think I might burn this page up just to see if it
changes anything. I don't think typing up my journals on my phone will be any
more secure. I don't know what to do anymore. I know Quentin will find out
sooner or later. That phone hack just bought me some time...
Oh... Ferros told me to... do whatever this is.
---I cannot begin to express how off-beat this one feels. And no, I am not worried about her little death threat. I've got plenty of protection on my end after all. I'm just not buying any of it anymore.
This is the first journal she has written after finding out about the blog posts. She ran into Ferros... of all fucking people. Fucking Ferros. That's the fucking ferret that held me captive in Railroad Towers. Of course, I'm not sure if it's the same one.
Also I don't get the reason for all that garbage at the bottom. I'm sure there is a point to it, but I can't wrap my head around it. This journal seems specifically designed to work against what I am doing. I can't really prove it, but I just feel it. I fucking feel it.
That's it. I'm not posting anymore of these. Aloe, contact me soon or I'll make sure you get contacted directly. I'm not messing around. I don't like to be played with. Don't cross me, Aloe.
D̶o̶n̴'̷t̵ ̸f̶u̴c̶k̸i̸n̷g̸ ̵c̷r̷o̴s̵s̸ ̴m̶e̵.̸
I've been here a lot longer than you have. I let you into this world... and I can take you out.
Tuesday, June 4, 2019
I've Been Contacted
Sadly not from Aloe. That is yet to play out (and I am very excited about it.) Yesterday I was contacted by... certain people who asked me to put a stop to the posting of the Aloe Journal. I was also politely asked to delete the posts from the blog. I almost did it too. I had my finger on the mouse button to make it all go away. But then I just realized that I couldn't do it.
I know I am probably going to get into a little trouble for this. Some of the people who made contact with me are... a bit frightening. But I think I'll be okay. I've been speaking with Miss Silky, and even though she disagrees with what I am doing, she is backing me.
If I could be honest... I don't really like it when people try to push me around. That is unless I am playing the part of a submissive. I enjoy being a subby bitch. It's sort of my thing. But... bigwigs who think they are better than me... I just can't put up with that.
Clearly, the reason I chose to post Aloe's journal pages was because they were fucking appearing on my fucking desk. What else was I supposed to do? Just read them and move on? How about politely contacting her and telling her that her private life was getting out somehow? Fuck no. Those journals are just as much mine as they are hers now. And I did with them what anyone in my position would do: I fucking put them out for everyone to see. A piece of her now belongs, not only to me, but to everyone. She's not really all that much of a mystery anymore. She's a creature owned by Scritch City--swallowed whole.
Yes, I do want to talk to her. I want her story more willingly told over my medium. I don't think she has a bloody choice now. When she is ready to, she'll come to me. She'll come to me and tell me everything she wants. There will be no secrets in Scritch City. I like it better this way. I'm not sure what we are hiding from.
On that note, I learned something a bit disturbing recently. I'm not 100% on it though. I'm still trying to piece it together, but... I'm starting to think that Miss Silky and Baphomet may not be the only two elites running things in this city. There's something hiding just out of sight, a third. A number three. Keep in mind... this may just be rubbish. I'm going a bit mad as I make these impulsive calls. Everyone is looking at me like I'm out of my mind. I don't care though. Fuck 'em all. To hell with everything! This is Scritch City, fuckers!
Spent about two hours just sitting here after writing that last paragraph. I was a bit high anyways. I read it. It's fine. I'll stand by it. My boyfriend (the crux) called me and knocked me out of my stupor. He misses me. I miss him too. I just don't have the time to spend with him lately. I sometimes feel like I am going through a transformation the further I delve into this city.
What did I eat? Yuck. What did I eat?
I blacked out.
Fuck this blog. I can't write it anymore tonight. I'll go ahead and list out the interviews I want to do as soon as I can get to them:
-Aloe (Prioritized!)
-Prince Ara
-Princess Fuscia
-Baphomet (Full)
-Miss Silky
-Quentin Sharpe
-Jason (Because fuck you...)
-Petalweight (Hopefully before he leaves.)
-Officer Dakota
-❤ Garry ❤
If anyone on this list has not contacted me yet, you can do so through my email: BuddyTippet@gmail.com. We can arrange the format from there. I'll do what I can to make you comfortable.
If you want to check out my books for sale, just click HERE!
I wanted to also mention that I have started my own FurAffinity page where I have been releasing some rather dubious audio files produced by a group of mine called "Furries Did It." I'm rather proud of them. I did all of the writing and some of the voice acting. I do enjoy listening and masturbating to them, and I hope you will also. That's what they are for, after all. You can find my FA page below, but keep in mind that an adult account will be needed to view the adult material. Here you go:
Buddy Tippet's FurAffinity Page
That's it for me. See you soon--every last one of you.
I know I am probably going to get into a little trouble for this. Some of the people who made contact with me are... a bit frightening. But I think I'll be okay. I've been speaking with Miss Silky, and even though she disagrees with what I am doing, she is backing me.
If I could be honest... I don't really like it when people try to push me around. That is unless I am playing the part of a submissive. I enjoy being a subby bitch. It's sort of my thing. But... bigwigs who think they are better than me... I just can't put up with that.
Clearly, the reason I chose to post Aloe's journal pages was because they were fucking appearing on my fucking desk. What else was I supposed to do? Just read them and move on? How about politely contacting her and telling her that her private life was getting out somehow? Fuck no. Those journals are just as much mine as they are hers now. And I did with them what anyone in my position would do: I fucking put them out for everyone to see. A piece of her now belongs, not only to me, but to everyone. She's not really all that much of a mystery anymore. She's a creature owned by Scritch City--swallowed whole.
Yes, I do want to talk to her. I want her story more willingly told over my medium. I don't think she has a bloody choice now. When she is ready to, she'll come to me. She'll come to me and tell me everything she wants. There will be no secrets in Scritch City. I like it better this way. I'm not sure what we are hiding from.
On that note, I learned something a bit disturbing recently. I'm not 100% on it though. I'm still trying to piece it together, but... I'm starting to think that Miss Silky and Baphomet may not be the only two elites running things in this city. There's something hiding just out of sight, a third. A number three. Keep in mind... this may just be rubbish. I'm going a bit mad as I make these impulsive calls. Everyone is looking at me like I'm out of my mind. I don't care though. Fuck 'em all. To hell with everything! This is Scritch City, fuckers!
Spent about two hours just sitting here after writing that last paragraph. I was a bit high anyways. I read it. It's fine. I'll stand by it. My boyfriend (the crux) called me and knocked me out of my stupor. He misses me. I miss him too. I just don't have the time to spend with him lately. I sometimes feel like I am going through a transformation the further I delve into this city.
What did I eat? Yuck. What did I eat?
I blacked out.
Fuck this blog. I can't write it anymore tonight. I'll go ahead and list out the interviews I want to do as soon as I can get to them:
-Aloe (Prioritized!)
-Prince Ara
-Princess Fuscia
-Baphomet (Full)
-Miss Silky
-Quentin Sharpe
-Jason (Because fuck you...)
-Petalweight (Hopefully before he leaves.)
-Officer Dakota
-❤ Garry ❤
If anyone on this list has not contacted me yet, you can do so through my email: BuddyTippet@gmail.com. We can arrange the format from there. I'll do what I can to make you comfortable.
If you want to check out my books for sale, just click HERE!
I wanted to also mention that I have started my own FurAffinity page where I have been releasing some rather dubious audio files produced by a group of mine called "Furries Did It." I'm rather proud of them. I did all of the writing and some of the voice acting. I do enjoy listening and masturbating to them, and I hope you will also. That's what they are for, after all. You can find my FA page below, but keep in mind that an adult account will be needed to view the adult material. Here you go:
Buddy Tippet's FurAffinity Page
That's it for me. See you soon--every last one of you.
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From Calix: It has been such a long time. And yet, it feels as if it was only moments ago that you were here with me. Have you forgotten? Ha...
Hello! I'm living in Scritch City now. And with my life comes a very notable agenda. I am in search for something called Context. I thou...
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