Tuesday, January 22, 2019

How Many Goodly Creatures...

As I walked through the nothingness of this void, I lighted upon a bench where was a hollow, and laid me down in that place to sleep; and as I slept, I dreamed a dream. I dreamed, and behold, I saw a feline adorned in purple. She stood before me and smiled in a way that comforted me. But something about this comfort frightened me in that I had not asked to be comforted.

"Do not fret," she said as if sensing my apprehension. "I am not going to harm you."

"Who are you?" I asked.

"My name is Silky. You may call me Miss Silky."

"Have you no other name then that?"

"I do not. It is the only name I possess, unlike yourself who has four names."

I knew of what she spoke and accepted her words at face value. Miss Silky was a very pretty woman and much of my fright left me once I gave in to her kind words. "Thank you for coming," I said.

"I was already here," she corrected. "You came to me in misery, and I felt compelled to comfort you. What has happened to you, dear friend?"

"There was a place called Railroad Towers," I said to her openly. "I went there with three of my friends, a Tiger who devoured me, an Otter who masturbated, and a Bird who was open yet closed."

"And then what happened?" asked the feline.

"And then a storm came and trapped me within the tower. And I was lost there for over three months. I became frightened of all the things that wanted to hurt me, control me, and use me to their own ends. I tried to leave but could not find the first floor. I hid under my bed, and the darkness devoured me. I am dead now, and you must be God."

"Far from it," she said in a sweet voice. "But I may be your savior. I have within my abilities a way to deliver you from this void."

"But is it safe on the other side?" I asked.

"Nothing is ever safe," she replied. "But if you are careful, you shall find your path once again."

"I do not wish to be lost anymore," I told her with tears in my eyes. "I want only a single path. I want only to explore once and that my decisions would be made in permanence. I want to be mortal and to thrive as a mortal should in a world of my own making."

"It shall be done," said Miss Silky. "For the world beyond the door is one of your own making, and it was made for you to explore. The volatile actions of gods and demons have been set aside to make way for your coming. Go forth, young creator, and seek out the new world."

And so when the dream was ended, I opened my eyes and saw before me a door. Upon the door was written the letters:


I stood up from the bench and took hold of the knob. Looking back to whoever it was reading this blog, I smiled, for I could see who it was clearly. I looked into those eyes and said, "The storm is over. A new world has been found. And here is where the real adventure begins."

Turning the knob, I opened the door and walked into a city. It was Scritch City. It was going to be my home. It was my home. It has always been my home. I know this... for I am now awake.


  1. Now we know why Buddy Tippet is in Miss Silky's club. We know what's he's doing there. The playing of his instrument is his means of creating. He's sort of like Zekky in that way.

    1. You're mentioning people I don't know, but I am sure what you say has great significance. Hope you enjoy the future of this blog. :) Good to be back.

  2. Good luck on your new beginning, may you find that which you seek.
