Hello! I'm living in Scritch City now. And with my life comes a very notable agenda. I am in search for something called Context. I thought of it in a dream. I actually have no idea what it is, but I am sure it will show up eventually. That is neither here nor there, however. The point of this blog is so that you, the humble reader, understands the singular situation that I find myself in.
Scritch City is an amazing place filled with both humans and animals. It is rife with corruption and chaos but still somehow balanced by surprisingly strong forces. I feel safer here than at the last place somehow. But I still strive to be as careful as I can. Nevertheless... I cannot divulge the exact location within Scritch City where I currently live. I have been advised to keep it all a secret in case dangerous foes choose to shut me down at the source. I am a busy writer after all and must promote my books from my little hidey-hole.
My main contact within Scritch City has been a very interesting feline woman by the name of Miss Silky. She seemed very willing to assist me to where I currently reside. I was able to ask her about the meaning of the city's name. The term "Scritch" refers to a rather strange practice of lightly running a set of claws or nails over a small section of someone's body. It's an action intended to show affection in something of an animalistic sense. This city seems to be heavily about contact. Being the hedonist that I am, I intend to explore it in the deepest ways possible.
A lot of interesting things happening as of recent. A strange green fox has turned up nearby with a rather bizarre story to him. I'm hoping for an interview if he will give me one, but he has, so far, seemed a bit shy. I'm not even sure that he has even noticed me. Perhaps he'll see this blog and take note of it. I'll keep trying.
There is also an officer of the police force, a Miss Dakota. A friendly sort of vixen who I chatted with briefly after my arrival. I'll get to her as soon as I can.
There is also the matter of a certain creature who calls himself a "crux." One of the more fascinating individuals that I have ever met within the whole of my career. He has agreed to meet with me, and I'll get to that post as soon as I can.
But then there is that ever growing spark I have for the mysterious Context. What is it? What does it do? Why is it called Context? Only time will tell. I'll find it someday, to be sure. But for now, I would like to announce that I have a new book out on the press. It is called b.t. Here are some details:
11.99 - Paperback Edition
5.99 - Kindle Edition
Click here to see the Amazon.com listing of all of my books.
Lastly, here is an image of the cover of b.t.:
Tuesday, January 29, 2019
Tuesday, January 22, 2019
How Many Goodly Creatures...
As I walked through the nothingness of this void, I lighted upon a bench where was a hollow, and laid me down in that place to sleep; and as I slept, I dreamed a dream. I dreamed, and behold, I saw a feline adorned in purple. She stood before me and smiled in a way that comforted me. But something about this comfort frightened me in that I had not asked to be comforted.
"Do not fret," she said as if sensing my apprehension. "I am not going to harm you."
"Who are you?" I asked.
"My name is Silky. You may call me Miss Silky."
"Have you no other name then that?"
"I do not. It is the only name I possess, unlike yourself who has four names."
I knew of what she spoke and accepted her words at face value. Miss Silky was a very pretty woman and much of my fright left me once I gave in to her kind words. "Thank you for coming," I said.
"I was already here," she corrected. "You came to me in misery, and I felt compelled to comfort you. What has happened to you, dear friend?"
"There was a place called Railroad Towers," I said to her openly. "I went there with three of my friends, a Tiger who devoured me, an Otter who masturbated, and a Bird who was open yet closed."
"And then what happened?" asked the feline.
"And then a storm came and trapped me within the tower. And I was lost there for over three months. I became frightened of all the things that wanted to hurt me, control me, and use me to their own ends. I tried to leave but could not find the first floor. I hid under my bed, and the darkness devoured me. I am dead now, and you must be God."
"Far from it," she said in a sweet voice. "But I may be your savior. I have within my abilities a way to deliver you from this void."
"But is it safe on the other side?" I asked.
"Nothing is ever safe," she replied. "But if you are careful, you shall find your path once again."
"I do not wish to be lost anymore," I told her with tears in my eyes. "I want only a single path. I want only to explore once and that my decisions would be made in permanence. I want to be mortal and to thrive as a mortal should in a world of my own making."
"It shall be done," said Miss Silky. "For the world beyond the door is one of your own making, and it was made for you to explore. The volatile actions of gods and demons have been set aside to make way for your coming. Go forth, young creator, and seek out the new world."
And so when the dream was ended, I opened my eyes and saw before me a door. Upon the door was written the letters:
I stood up from the bench and took hold of the knob. Looking back to whoever it was reading this blog, I smiled, for I could see who it was clearly. I looked into those eyes and said, "The storm is over. A new world has been found. And here is where the real adventure begins."
Turning the knob, I opened the door and walked into a city. It was Scritch City. It was going to be my home. It was my home. It has always been my home. I know this... for I am now awake.
"Do not fret," she said as if sensing my apprehension. "I am not going to harm you."
"Who are you?" I asked.
"My name is Silky. You may call me Miss Silky."
"Have you no other name then that?"
"I do not. It is the only name I possess, unlike yourself who has four names."
I knew of what she spoke and accepted her words at face value. Miss Silky was a very pretty woman and much of my fright left me once I gave in to her kind words. "Thank you for coming," I said.
"I was already here," she corrected. "You came to me in misery, and I felt compelled to comfort you. What has happened to you, dear friend?"
"There was a place called Railroad Towers," I said to her openly. "I went there with three of my friends, a Tiger who devoured me, an Otter who masturbated, and a Bird who was open yet closed."
"And then what happened?" asked the feline.
"And then a storm came and trapped me within the tower. And I was lost there for over three months. I became frightened of all the things that wanted to hurt me, control me, and use me to their own ends. I tried to leave but could not find the first floor. I hid under my bed, and the darkness devoured me. I am dead now, and you must be God."
"Far from it," she said in a sweet voice. "But I may be your savior. I have within my abilities a way to deliver you from this void."
"But is it safe on the other side?" I asked.
"Nothing is ever safe," she replied. "But if you are careful, you shall find your path once again."
"I do not wish to be lost anymore," I told her with tears in my eyes. "I want only a single path. I want only to explore once and that my decisions would be made in permanence. I want to be mortal and to thrive as a mortal should in a world of my own making."
"It shall be done," said Miss Silky. "For the world beyond the door is one of your own making, and it was made for you to explore. The volatile actions of gods and demons have been set aside to make way for your coming. Go forth, young creator, and seek out the new world."
And so when the dream was ended, I opened my eyes and saw before me a door. Upon the door was written the letters:
I stood up from the bench and took hold of the knob. Looking back to whoever it was reading this blog, I smiled, for I could see who it was clearly. I looked into those eyes and said, "The storm is over. A new world has been found. And here is where the real adventure begins."
Turning the knob, I opened the door and walked into a city. It was Scritch City. It was going to be my home. It was my home. It has always been my home. I know this... for I am now awake.
Tuesday, January 15, 2019
Tuesday, January 8, 2019
Tuesday, January 1, 2019
Apparently I'm Trapped
What started as a visit to a luxury apartment complex with my tiger friend has turned into an outright trap. First of all, I didn't know it was an apartment complex. I thought it was like a fancy hotel. It isn't. People live here. And when you show up for just one night, you end up living here too. What the actual fuck...
I'm up on floor 81 in apartment 65. Next door neighbors are noisy. Banjo music. Things hitting the wall. Other neighbors keep whispering at me trying to convince me to come over. I'm not doin' it. I'm just gonna sit right here in my bed and type out this blog. Going out is always a mistake. Always a mistake.
Seriously, I think I am losing my mind. I went down to the first floor. It took the elevator something like 20 minutes which made no sense. I have no idea why it took that long, but the weirdest thing came after it finally slowed down to a stop. I thought the doors were going to open, but they didn't. Instead, there was a ding! sound and a recorded female voice spoke over a set of speakers. She said, "The management of Railroad Towers apologizes for the inconvenience. Floor #1 was neither modeled nor rendered. Have a pleasant day." And then the elevator took me back to my home floor.
Neither modeled nor rendered?! What in the fuck does that even mean? How can a floor not even exist? Also haven't I heard that excuse somewhere before? I can't remember. All I know is that I am stuck in Railroad Towers. I can't get out. And I keep thinking... Am I even alive anymore? Is this Hell? Is Hell a place called Railroad Towers?
Someone just knocked on my door. I didn't answer. I don't want to talk to anyone anymore. In fact... Let me just turn out my lights. I might just crawl under my bed too. One moment.
I'm in complete darkness. I'm under my bed. My door is locked and I am all alone. Seriously, I'm scared. I just wanted to write dirty books and make a career out of it. Why does it have to be so difficult? Why am I here? ... What was that? Uh. Sorry, for a moment I thought I heard something. Sounded like breathing...
Anyways... While I am here on this blog, I wanted to let my readers know that I have finished a new novel called "Vox Deus," but I haven't been able to get the cover illustrated. The artist, someone known as Mad Rabbit, has been indisposed as of late. I expect him to return to me in early 2019. Did something just touch my foot?
I am also finishing up a novel called "b.t." which is my short story collection. I am going to be making that cover myself so expect that to be published first. I think you will all like this one. It's got a good perverted variety of the things I am fond of.
Weird. Why do I feel like the floor is tilting? Oh, and don't forget "Pack Rats of The Inside." That book is still available and has been selling decently. Glad you all like it. Here is the usual information:
$9.99 - Paperback Edition
$5.99 - Kindle Edition
Click here to see the Amazon.com listing.
Check out the trailer. I composed the soundtrack for it myself:
So that's another blog for me. I'm still in the dark. Under my bed. I feel like I am sliding. Everything is... slippery... wet... Wait, are those teethdfhdhdfm,.xl; vz'f';z';df :aef
I'm up on floor 81 in apartment 65. Next door neighbors are noisy. Banjo music. Things hitting the wall. Other neighbors keep whispering at me trying to convince me to come over. I'm not doin' it. I'm just gonna sit right here in my bed and type out this blog. Going out is always a mistake. Always a mistake.
Seriously, I think I am losing my mind. I went down to the first floor. It took the elevator something like 20 minutes which made no sense. I have no idea why it took that long, but the weirdest thing came after it finally slowed down to a stop. I thought the doors were going to open, but they didn't. Instead, there was a ding! sound and a recorded female voice spoke over a set of speakers. She said, "The management of Railroad Towers apologizes for the inconvenience. Floor #1 was neither modeled nor rendered. Have a pleasant day." And then the elevator took me back to my home floor.
Neither modeled nor rendered?! What in the fuck does that even mean? How can a floor not even exist? Also haven't I heard that excuse somewhere before? I can't remember. All I know is that I am stuck in Railroad Towers. I can't get out. And I keep thinking... Am I even alive anymore? Is this Hell? Is Hell a place called Railroad Towers?
Someone just knocked on my door. I didn't answer. I don't want to talk to anyone anymore. In fact... Let me just turn out my lights. I might just crawl under my bed too. One moment.
I'm in complete darkness. I'm under my bed. My door is locked and I am all alone. Seriously, I'm scared. I just wanted to write dirty books and make a career out of it. Why does it have to be so difficult? Why am I here? ... What was that? Uh. Sorry, for a moment I thought I heard something. Sounded like breathing...
Anyways... While I am here on this blog, I wanted to let my readers know that I have finished a new novel called "Vox Deus," but I haven't been able to get the cover illustrated. The artist, someone known as Mad Rabbit, has been indisposed as of late. I expect him to return to me in early 2019. Did something just touch my foot?
I am also finishing up a novel called "b.t." which is my short story collection. I am going to be making that cover myself so expect that to be published first. I think you will all like this one. It's got a good perverted variety of the things I am fond of.
Weird. Why do I feel like the floor is tilting? Oh, and don't forget "Pack Rats of The Inside." That book is still available and has been selling decently. Glad you all like it. Here is the usual information:
$9.99 - Paperback Edition
$5.99 - Kindle Edition
Click here to see the Amazon.com listing.
Check out the trailer. I composed the soundtrack for it myself:
So that's another blog for me. I'm still in the dark. Under my bed. I feel like I am sliding. Everything is... slippery... wet... Wait, are those teethdfhdhdfm,.xl; vz'f';z';df :aef
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From Calix: It has been such a long time. And yet, it feels as if it was only moments ago that you were here with me. Have you forgotten? Ha...
Hello! I'm living in Scritch City now. And with my life comes a very notable agenda. I am in search for something called Context. I thou...
Indeed, the title of this fetish can be misunderstood. It could easily mean that your penis could change shape. Naturally there is a fetish ...