Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Milk of Strange Properties

There is yet another obscure fetish I wish to showcase. This is not a new one by far, but it is one that rarely lands on my doorstep. The fetish has in the past been referred to as "milk of strange properties," or some other similar designation. We will be abbreviating it down to MoSP for this blog. Allow me to educate you as to its benefits.

This fetish has everything to do with a more common fetish called lactation. It simply is the enjoyment of a woman producing breast milk in the context of sex. MoSP has more to do with what the milk does to those who drink it, willingly or unwillingly.

With furries, I see this fetish more often happening with cows. Cows have those fancy little udders between their legs which make obtaining the stuff not only convenient, but it is also rather expected. Cow + Udder = Milk. It is very simple. Nevertheless, the fetish can also be applied to any female with breasts whether or not they should be lactating at that time.

The milk, once ingested, will have a number of unexpected side effects with MoSP. The most common, I seem to find, is the milk acting as an aphrodisiac. It can also causes the person to be hypnotized or directly mind controlled by the dispenser of the milk. As to the latter, I find that quite a fun concept. One sip and the subject is instantly enthralled to do as the cow wants.

Transformations can also happen. A very common MoSP transformation is to be turned into a child. It makes sense. The milk was intended to be slurped by kids. Why not have the milk make them younger. Who knew a cow could end up being the fountain of youth?! This fetish does not always have to do with pedophilia (although it might!). Sometimes the concept of being turned into a child is simply a form of submission--in this case, to a parent or guardian. The milk simply keeps them where they are.

MoSP can be turned against the producer of the milk as well. The cow or any other producer can be locked into a milking machine and simply milked for the special supply of strange fluid. The milk can also be fed to the victim to keep her compliant and happy. When milk becomes a drug, all bets are off. Things end up happening. There will be a victim and a one to act against said victim. There are no rules. The cow can be just as much a dom in this case as she can be the submissive. She can also be a side character--merely the producer of the MoSP while two other characters interact with it.

The strange property is open to interpretation. It can do anything your imagination can come up with. Perhaps drinking the milk will transform you into another cow who makes more of that milk. The cycle, in this case, will continue to perpetuate indefinitely. Cow + Milk + Victim = More Cows. And it would make sense that there is a farmer in the mix who is profiting from all of this strange milk. It really is a delightful concept and opens the mind to many possibilities.

Milk of Strange Properties is a fetish included in my new book "Pack Rats of the Inside."
$9.99 - Paperback Edition
$5.99 - Kindle Edition
Click here to see the Amazon.com listing.


  1. Sexuality is reproduction as a material dynamic. Semen produces offspring. Milk nourishes offspring. Both fluids are ingested by someone other than the producer. It makes total sense that milk would somehow be a fetish for strange ideas.

    1. You are doing quite well in your analogies of all the horrible things I talk about. I am quite impressed.

  2. Fascinating concept, I can see the appeal of it but it brings too much of the maternal aspect to mind for my own personal tastes. The MoSP is a very imaginative concept, quite interesting.

    1. Your own personal tastes, huh? I see what you did there.
