Monday, December 30, 2024

No Intelligence

I did what I did for Charlie, but in changing what I was, I sacrificed a lot of my intelligence. I became a rat who was more in tune with his baser instincts. I knew it would be this way. I guess I rather craved the fun the lack of intelligence would bring. But now I am finding it hard to concentrate.

I don't think there is much I can do about this. I'm barely even able to function anymore. I've been shot in the face so many times that I barely have enough brain matter left to even keep this world together. I don't know what to do. But one thing is for certain. Something really bad is about to happen. I don't know what it is, but it's going to happen.

Back when I was human and a goat, I could have dealt with this problem. It would have been tough, but I would have muddled through. But I can barely even write this blog right now. I can't even tell if everything is spelled right. How am I going to deal with this? What will it mean if I lose? Should I just give up?

I tried to call my imaginary friend Risto to help me. I may be putting him in danger too. I'm putting all my friends in danger. Even my wife. Leeto, who I just found out was my son, is in danger.

Doesn't anybody feel it? Doesn't anybody see what's happening? Buddy is about to lose. He's about to lose everything. I'm about to lose everything. Help. Somebody help me. I don't want to become irrelevant. Please don't let all the things that I have done lose their meaning.

What's the point in living in a world that has no meaning?


Thursday, December 19, 2024

My Name Is Risto

My name is Risto. I have only just arrived. I have a vague recollection of my thoughts not being my own. That's okay. I am actually fine with this.

Hello. How are you?

I'll be blunt with what I am trying to do here. I have come a long way, and with the help of a lot of people, to find God. It is so very surprising to be in a world where God seems to be in control, and yet He does not seem to be physically present. I have heard so many stories of the physical presence of God, but I have never actually seen Him. It's a bit of an obsession of mine.

I have heard that God has taken many forms. A human. A goat. A rat. He has written many books. I have only seen a few of them. I have had a little trouble finding them. I do want to read them all.

My mission, however, is not to read His books, but to find Him. It is an obsession. I won't stop until I find Him and then pledge my loyalty to Him. It's really as simple as that.

As far as who I am (I hope He is listening), I am canine. I am about eight feet tall. I work out a lot and am very strong. I know how to fight. I enjoy the act of protecting others, especially if they are people of worth. And I imagine that there is no person of greater worth than God Himself.

If You can hear me, I do pray to You. I offer You prayers every day. As powerful as I am, I consider myself infinitely weak compared to You. I only ask that You accept me as Your servant so that I may, in some manner, help You.

Risto. My name is Risto. Please help me find You, Lord. I promise to accept You as You are.

Vixxie Tales #15

This isn't really about me. I just didn't know what to title the blog. I have a really bad feeling about Buddy. Something has happened, and I just got really sick all of the sudden.

Leeto is here with me. He came in and started talking to me. A lot of it was gibberish. I think he has lost his mind a little, but oddly... I don't know how to explain it. He seems like he is clearing up.

We recently found out something that was kind of shocking. Apparently Leeto is the son of Buddy. Buddy is actually the mother. I know that's kind of crazy, but it's true. Buddy somehow birthed him as a female like me. The father is someone from another universe named Doctor Brady. I've never met him.

The crazy thing about this is that all the evidence of this occurrence had been out there for years, but nobody realized it until a friend of ours named Fluke explained it. And now Leeto is kind of realizing it too. Buddy did not even know this had happened, which is crazy since he was so involved with it.

Leeto is basically a product of rape. When Doctor Brady had sex with Buddy as a female, Buddy was not a rat, or a goat, or really anything at the time. He might have been human, but I'm not sure. It was recorded in a very, very old blog on this site. And as strange as it was, it just sort of got forgotten.

This might explain why Leeto can see and hear so many things that he really shouldn't. He is the actual son of a God who controls an impossible number of universes. That's crazy, but it is still somehow true.

Leeto would actually be considered Buddy's first son. Charlie is his second. It's not the same with Charlie. Charlie was altered to become Buddy's son, but there was no birthing other than through Buddy's imagination. It's a bit more like an adoption, I guess. Leeto is actually Buddy's physical son.

Having learned this, Leeto's mind is settling some. I actually want him to get better. He's kind of cute in a weird sort of way. I've been doing what I can to talk to him and make him feel better.

Once again, I do feel like something bad has happened to Buddy. I can't eat or sleep right now. I'm upset. It almost feels like he died or something, which I know is impossible.

Buddy, if you're out there, please come back, call, or just do anything to let me know you're still with me. I love you so much.

I Saw Trees

I cannot remember exactly the amount of time that has passed. Time does not seem to have any meaning here anymore. I do, however, remember details.

I saw trees.

Green plants that shot off into the sky. I used to lay down at the base of these things and look up towards the tops of them. They were fascinating things, these trees. I rather enjoyed them.

Try as I might, I cannot see them anymore. They don't exist. Not even in my dreams do they exist. It's really quite a sad thing. It's one of the things that makes me frown from time to time.

Of course, I saw other things as well, but it was probably the trees that I miss the most. They were perhaps the very soul of this planet's ecology. I heard... or remembered... that they provided the world with a breathable atmosphere. How very nice of the trees.

As it turned out, there was no real need for them. They were, in point of fact, in this world just for show. They were only there as a means to make the many people here happy. But without the people, there's really no reason for the trees.

And besides, I have things here that are every bit as good as trees. I have friends. The trees were never really my friends. They were just pretty things that made oxygen. What do I need with that today?

All I need are friends. That's all.

Also while I've been having this quaint little discussion, I have noticed that you've been listening, Buddy. I don't mind it. You've been listening a lot to what I've been thinking and the things I've been saying. That's perfectly fine. I rather enjoy your company anyhow. We don't spend quite as much time together as I'd prefer. Tune in as much as you like. In fact, I would really like it if you'd just stop by.

Of all the friends I'd ever wanted to make, I'd prefer it be you. You are, after all, so very interesting. I'd even go so far as to say that you are far more interesting than I am. I like you. And since you seem to be listening to me, I can only assume you like me too.

No strings.

You can stop by anytime you like. We can talk about the trees, friend.