Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Lust Bearers 2: Homeward Bound Has Been Published

I really wish this had not taken as long as it did. Honestly, I finished this book a long time ago, but a lot of things went wrong, and I could not get the cover made. What is actually happening on the other side of this wall I seem to be behind? Is there really some sort of virus that has brought the world to it's knees?

I guess I am glad I am here and not there.

"Lust Bearers 2: Homeward Bound" continues from the very moment "The Search for Ixus" leaves off. I have been doing as lot of work with my precious little Lust Bearers lately. Have you ever met one of these little guys before? Entirely cute but hedonistic as fuck.

Shortly after writing my last blog, I went out of my way to meet with Sly Heart Fox. The scene happens in a later book, so I guess you'll have to wait. What you will find in this new book is just as good and almost twice as nasty.

I'll be the first to admit that I love a lot of nasty things. I'm a pervert, and I am unashamed in that. Maximus is the god of my universe because I want him to be. He represents everything I love, and much of what I love is lewd as fuck.

"Lust Bearers: Homeward Bound" is presently available on Kindle and Paperback for a decent price. You can find it on Amazon if you would like to get a copy. I'll put down the description below along with a fucked up version of the cover... and a link. Enjoy it, you pervs.



The Lust Bearers have found Ixus, but their way back has been blocked. Their mission is to find a way back home, but without knowing how to get there, it is a task more easily said than done. With the entire multiverse ahead of them, any possibility is possible. And with every new world they find, their drive to spread the lust of Maximus will only grow stronger.

Join the Lust Bearers in an exciting new adventure into the unknown as they indulge in every one of their nasty, little fantasies along the way. With the help of a human witch named Sibyl Faye and a talking snake named Sam, they may just have a chance to get Ixus back to Hedon.


12.99 - Paperback Edition
5.99 - Kindle Edition