[The following blog was posted under the authority of Prince Ara of the Predatory Union and by his faithful servant, Nestor.]
I hate to sound like a reporter. I don't really see myself as one. Much of what Buddy did with this blog had to do with reporting events in Scritch City, and Miss Silky reminded me of that task. A shame, because I really love the medium as a means to wax thoughtful.
The news for today is that there has been a change at the local Scritch City Clinic located in the east-central neighborhood district. I and my fellow dragons have not been there yet. Much of the reason for this has to do with a rather dubious practice held there by a bat doctor named Brady. No ill-will, mind you. We like his gumption, but we have no interest in being taken advantage of by a sub-predator vampire bat.
Yes, Dr. Brady had an interesting habit of legally raping his patients. He does so through the power given to him by Miss Silky, and I see no reason why he should stop anytime soon, as the job suites him. However, it seems that he will be leaving the clinic soon to expand his operation to a place called The Pavilion (mid-north Scritch City.)
Apparently the neighborhood clinic will be claimed by a similarly trained doctor named... J-something. Honestly forgot his name. Ugh. He's a kangaroo. Prey. Not as interesting, mind you. Yes, I hear he is a big fellow, but still. Everyone has their place. I am not fond of the idea of a kangaroo rapist. Nevertheless, what Miss Silky approves is ultimately what becomes canon in Scritch City.
So, I looked into this Pavilion. It is extremely interesting. Seems to be something of a hedonistic shopping mall... or something. I asked one of my fellows to get me a list of the shops and restaurants, and I was rather shocked at what was being allowed there. I do intend to cover the Pavilion more in depth, but I was asked to focus more on Dr. Brady's venture this time around.
Towards that, you can find the expanded Scritch City Clinic near the front entrance of the Pavilion. The sign should be visible from there. Likely a red cross or something. I don't know. Apparently this instance of the clinic has a larger number of doctors and nurses on staff. All of them, I am sure, are more than happy to drop their trousers before healing you. I hear it is a much nicer place then the old neighborhood clinic. Nevertheless, I and my fellows shan't be visiting. We're happy to self-medicate, thank you.
I do admire Dr. Brady. We have vampire bats in the Predatory Union. They are exceptionally keen and intelligent. If I had met someone like Brady in the Union, I might have assisted him with his dreams if only for the entertainment of it.
But there it is. You now know the state of things including the soul medical situation within this city, I'll leave you with a book promotion which held a charming story about Dr. Brady, loosely based on the truth. b.t. by Buddy Tippet. Cheers. ~Nestor
11.99 - Paperback Edition
5.99 - Kindle Edition
Click here to see the Amazon.com listing of all of his books.
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Buddy Tippet is Losing His Mind
[The following blog was posted under the authority of Prince Ara of the Predatory Union and by his faithful servant, Nestor.]
He's rather tired, if I could be honest. We've given him some drugs to boost his energy levels, but he seems, in general, to be a bit listless. Honestly, I am starting to think we haven't broken him enough. We'd start it back up, but we already reported the conclusion of the torture to Miss Silky and she expects us to only aid in his recovery.
He has been spending much of his time mumbling things of a bizarre nature to whatever dragons have been caring for him. And yes, we have been caring for him. We've been giving him a bit of pleasure too. The idea is to bring him out of his funk and return him to the realm of the fully conscious. I spent some time with him, ooohhh... about two hours ago. I took some notes for your amusement.
Buddy Tippet seems to be resisting the results of his torture by inventing something of a little story about himself by way of his unique imagination. He mentioned something about the whole world being a story... but also sometimes a game. He claims to be its author and game master which is an interesting pair of hats. Even more fascinating was when he offhandedly refereed to himself as god. Not a god; just god.
I was able to ask him a few questions in which I had the pleasure of receiving responses to. Firstly, I asked him how it was a story. He simply claimed that he was an author who had written us all into existence and that this blog, the very one you are reading now, was acting as some sort of lifeline. This, of course, bears no weight for the blog has existed entirely outside of himself while he has been held prisoner. When I presented him this contradiction, he only replied, "I am also the dragon." Rubbish talk, but still interesting.
Secondly, I asked about the game and game master business. I do, to some degree, see life as a game. I know how people need to be played in order to make a win. Buddy referred to my life and all the lives within Scritch City as... and let me make sure I am getting this just as he said... "None Player Characters." He explained that I and many other people within Scritch City had no souls and entirely acted according to the pleasure of god--namely Buddy Tippet.
I then asked him if there were any animals within his fantastic world who had souls other than him. Amazingly, he provided names:
--Quentin Sharp
--Aloe Dupain
--Daxter Agreste
As disappointed as I was to not be included in this rather tiny list, I still dismissed it as the insane ramblings of a man who was unable to cope with his own weaknesses. He was barely even conscious during this whole event. He kept going in and out. There was some nonsensical talk about different versions of something called Maptool. Something about token alignment. The poor fellow looked like he was going to vomit at this stage of the interview.
The three names were fascinating choices though! Quentin is a green fox that I am just dying to meet in person. Aloe was a weasel that got wrapped up in a rather spooky doxxing scandal by Buddy himself. And Daxter. My precious little Daxter. That little shit of a goat that showed up one day on my doorstep. Never really considered him to have a soul, but I guess Buddy knows best.
The last thing that bears mentioning was a name I have, at the very least, read about before in his books. Ixus. The very utterance of this name caused Buddy to tremble in fear. He thinks this Ixus is hunting him down. When I attempted to ask him more about Ixus, he broke down into tears.
The interview ended here. I ended up looking through some of his extremely early blogs and came across the mentioning of this Ixus. Clearly, this is a fictional creation created by Buddy himself. A being made entirely of living latex. Creepy, to be sure, but hardly plausible. The idea that any materiel other than fur, scale, or flesh can be imbued with life is silly. Buddy Tippet is clearly losing his mind. It makes me sad.
Nevertheless, I must soldier on with his recovery. Today, I am choosing to promote Buddy's first book, which is also the first book with Ixus in it. It is called Pack Rats of The Inside. Cheers. ~Nestor
$9.99 - Paperback Edition
$5.99 - Kindle Edition
Click here to see the Amazon.com listing of all of my books.
He's rather tired, if I could be honest. We've given him some drugs to boost his energy levels, but he seems, in general, to be a bit listless. Honestly, I am starting to think we haven't broken him enough. We'd start it back up, but we already reported the conclusion of the torture to Miss Silky and she expects us to only aid in his recovery.
He has been spending much of his time mumbling things of a bizarre nature to whatever dragons have been caring for him. And yes, we have been caring for him. We've been giving him a bit of pleasure too. The idea is to bring him out of his funk and return him to the realm of the fully conscious. I spent some time with him, ooohhh... about two hours ago. I took some notes for your amusement.
Buddy Tippet seems to be resisting the results of his torture by inventing something of a little story about himself by way of his unique imagination. He mentioned something about the whole world being a story... but also sometimes a game. He claims to be its author and game master which is an interesting pair of hats. Even more fascinating was when he offhandedly refereed to himself as god. Not a god; just god.
I was able to ask him a few questions in which I had the pleasure of receiving responses to. Firstly, I asked him how it was a story. He simply claimed that he was an author who had written us all into existence and that this blog, the very one you are reading now, was acting as some sort of lifeline. This, of course, bears no weight for the blog has existed entirely outside of himself while he has been held prisoner. When I presented him this contradiction, he only replied, "I am also the dragon." Rubbish talk, but still interesting.
Secondly, I asked about the game and game master business. I do, to some degree, see life as a game. I know how people need to be played in order to make a win. Buddy referred to my life and all the lives within Scritch City as... and let me make sure I am getting this just as he said... "None Player Characters." He explained that I and many other people within Scritch City had no souls and entirely acted according to the pleasure of god--namely Buddy Tippet.
I then asked him if there were any animals within his fantastic world who had souls other than him. Amazingly, he provided names:
--Quentin Sharp
--Aloe Dupain
--Daxter Agreste
As disappointed as I was to not be included in this rather tiny list, I still dismissed it as the insane ramblings of a man who was unable to cope with his own weaknesses. He was barely even conscious during this whole event. He kept going in and out. There was some nonsensical talk about different versions of something called Maptool. Something about token alignment. The poor fellow looked like he was going to vomit at this stage of the interview.
The three names were fascinating choices though! Quentin is a green fox that I am just dying to meet in person. Aloe was a weasel that got wrapped up in a rather spooky doxxing scandal by Buddy himself. And Daxter. My precious little Daxter. That little shit of a goat that showed up one day on my doorstep. Never really considered him to have a soul, but I guess Buddy knows best.
The last thing that bears mentioning was a name I have, at the very least, read about before in his books. Ixus. The very utterance of this name caused Buddy to tremble in fear. He thinks this Ixus is hunting him down. When I attempted to ask him more about Ixus, he broke down into tears.
The interview ended here. I ended up looking through some of his extremely early blogs and came across the mentioning of this Ixus. Clearly, this is a fictional creation created by Buddy himself. A being made entirely of living latex. Creepy, to be sure, but hardly plausible. The idea that any materiel other than fur, scale, or flesh can be imbued with life is silly. Buddy Tippet is clearly losing his mind. It makes me sad.
Nevertheless, I must soldier on with his recovery. Today, I am choosing to promote Buddy's first book, which is also the first book with Ixus in it. It is called Pack Rats of The Inside. Cheers. ~Nestor
$9.99 - Paperback Edition
$5.99 - Kindle Edition
Click here to see the Amazon.com listing of all of my books.
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
The Problems with Getting Scent-imental
[The following blog was posted under the authority of Prince Ara of the Predatory Union and by his faithful servant, Nestor.]
Despite Buddy Tippet's book b.t. being a fairly good representation of life in and around Scritch City as well as including one of the greatest depictions of life within the Predatory Union (The Law of Dragons), there is, however, an unfortunate inclusion within this book. This story, known only as Getting Scent-imental, is a story I and my dear Prince Ara have been groaning about ever since we laid eyes upon it. I wanted to explain why.
This story is a dreadful and wholly inaccurate portrayal of the dragon race. There is hardly even one thing about it that smacks of truth. It is, as I have said before, the reason we bargained with Miss Silky to have him violently punished. Dragons do not appreciate slander in the slightest.
The story of Getting Scent-imental follows the tale of a crudely named dragon named Desi. It isn't even a proper dragon name. Desi is portrayed, at least at first, as a strong-willed dragon who was shown to have a very good streak of dominance that was adequate for his kith and kin. At this point, I had no problem with the story. It all falls apart once the dragon is asked to prove his strength as a dragon on a dare. Even here, I was looking forward to seeing him do it.
The author then crudely introduces the reason for the pun-laced title, a skunk named Garry. For some reason the skunk's name has a heart on either side at every single inclusion. I've no interest in promoting this meme any further, so I'll be omitting them.
Now, Garry is a real, live person living in Scritch City. At one time, he did own a department store called Le Whiff Boutique. The business is now defunct. Apparently he is now working as a male prostitute for a business in the Pavilion (a large shopping mall of sorts) called The Fidgety Ferret. I hear he is quite popular. Nevertheless, he is what he is, and this story of Buddy Tippet's seems to imbibe him with supernatural powers.
Through the course of the story, this Garry person manages to turn the strong-willed Desi into a sissified, homosexual piece of shit. And he does it through no other method but by puffing him with his tail. It was absolutely a dreadful read. I have never in my life read literature with such horrid taste.
Even--EVEN--if Garry possessed powers like this, the very idea that anyone would want to see a dragon reduced to this sad and pathetic state sickens me to my core. Mister Tippet seems to like the idea of giving various acolytes of Scritch City super powers. Even Miss Silky of the famous Railroad Club has not been spared this odd fascination of his (as seen in the story called Pure Silk). Even stranger was the fact that Buddy suggested that Miss Silky was complicit in Garry's schemes against the dragons... or that it was her doing all along. She has officially denied this to me, by the by.
The whole story is garbage! There isn't even a point to it. Desi's life and manhood is ruined, and the story simply ends with some sort of paltry plug for a later story in the book. Buddy wrote this book out of a pure desire and absolutely perverted fantasy to see a dragon humiliated. It contrasts so absolutely with the majestic work known as The Law of Dragons. One is clearly good and one is clearly terrible.
Getting Scent-imental is a story that I would much prefer be deleted from the book entirely. Furthermore, and I have said this before, I would prefer that Buddy be released into our custody so that he may be taken back to the Predatory Union on a permanent basis. The human needs help that he will never find in Scritch City.
It's aggravating. I mean... I am happy for the invite into this great city-state, but the problems with this blasted story have, at times, kept me up at night. I will continue to speak with Miss Silky about the situation. The prince has given me full leniency when it comes to this matter.
I shall, once more, be promoting b.t. this week in the interest of propping up The Law of Dragons further. Just skip over the other one. You'll get nothing out of it anyways. Complete and utter rubbish. ~Nestor
11.99 - Paperback Edition
5.99 - Kindle Edition
Click here to see the Amazon.com listing of all of his books.
Despite Buddy Tippet's book b.t. being a fairly good representation of life in and around Scritch City as well as including one of the greatest depictions of life within the Predatory Union (The Law of Dragons), there is, however, an unfortunate inclusion within this book. This story, known only as Getting Scent-imental, is a story I and my dear Prince Ara have been groaning about ever since we laid eyes upon it. I wanted to explain why.
This story is a dreadful and wholly inaccurate portrayal of the dragon race. There is hardly even one thing about it that smacks of truth. It is, as I have said before, the reason we bargained with Miss Silky to have him violently punished. Dragons do not appreciate slander in the slightest.
The story of Getting Scent-imental follows the tale of a crudely named dragon named Desi. It isn't even a proper dragon name. Desi is portrayed, at least at first, as a strong-willed dragon who was shown to have a very good streak of dominance that was adequate for his kith and kin. At this point, I had no problem with the story. It all falls apart once the dragon is asked to prove his strength as a dragon on a dare. Even here, I was looking forward to seeing him do it.
The author then crudely introduces the reason for the pun-laced title, a skunk named Garry. For some reason the skunk's name has a heart on either side at every single inclusion. I've no interest in promoting this meme any further, so I'll be omitting them.
Now, Garry is a real, live person living in Scritch City. At one time, he did own a department store called Le Whiff Boutique. The business is now defunct. Apparently he is now working as a male prostitute for a business in the Pavilion (a large shopping mall of sorts) called The Fidgety Ferret. I hear he is quite popular. Nevertheless, he is what he is, and this story of Buddy Tippet's seems to imbibe him with supernatural powers.
Through the course of the story, this Garry person manages to turn the strong-willed Desi into a sissified, homosexual piece of shit. And he does it through no other method but by puffing him with his tail. It was absolutely a dreadful read. I have never in my life read literature with such horrid taste.
Even--EVEN--if Garry possessed powers like this, the very idea that anyone would want to see a dragon reduced to this sad and pathetic state sickens me to my core. Mister Tippet seems to like the idea of giving various acolytes of Scritch City super powers. Even Miss Silky of the famous Railroad Club has not been spared this odd fascination of his (as seen in the story called Pure Silk). Even stranger was the fact that Buddy suggested that Miss Silky was complicit in Garry's schemes against the dragons... or that it was her doing all along. She has officially denied this to me, by the by.
The whole story is garbage! There isn't even a point to it. Desi's life and manhood is ruined, and the story simply ends with some sort of paltry plug for a later story in the book. Buddy wrote this book out of a pure desire and absolutely perverted fantasy to see a dragon humiliated. It contrasts so absolutely with the majestic work known as The Law of Dragons. One is clearly good and one is clearly terrible.
Getting Scent-imental is a story that I would much prefer be deleted from the book entirely. Furthermore, and I have said this before, I would prefer that Buddy be released into our custody so that he may be taken back to the Predatory Union on a permanent basis. The human needs help that he will never find in Scritch City.
It's aggravating. I mean... I am happy for the invite into this great city-state, but the problems with this blasted story have, at times, kept me up at night. I will continue to speak with Miss Silky about the situation. The prince has given me full leniency when it comes to this matter.
I shall, once more, be promoting b.t. this week in the interest of propping up The Law of Dragons further. Just skip over the other one. You'll get nothing out of it anyways. Complete and utter rubbish. ~Nestor
11.99 - Paperback Edition
5.99 - Kindle Edition
Click here to see the Amazon.com listing of all of his books.
Tuesday, August 6, 2019
The Law of Dragons
[The following blog was posted under the authority of Prince Ara of the Predatory Union and by his faithful servant, Nestor.]
b.t. by Buddy Tippet is a mixed bag. It has some interesting ideas, sometimes thought provoking, but it also has some very unfortunate moments in it of which I found to be compete garbage. The story called Getting Scent-imental is the primary reason we punished Buddy. I suppose I can get into what made that story so dreadful later on. It's looking like I will keep possession of this blog for a while yet.
I would rather talk more about what made b.t. so great. That would be the story called The Law of Dragons. It was a very carefully researched and exists as an accurate portrayal of how the government of the Predatory Union operates. It is direct and honest while still being delivered in the dramatic format of a fiction.
Indeed, the characters represented in the story are all made up. There was a surprising omittance of Prince Ara, which, by the way, does not hinder the story in the slightest. The Law of Dragons is more about how the PU functions and not about its present day political details. This was a bold way to present the story, and I thoroughly approve.
The story centers around a young dragon named Drake. A very generic name for a dragon, to be sure, but I feel the ambiguity gives more than it takes in this situation. In this story, Drake is dating a prey female--a mouse. As preposterous as this seems on the surface, it is not uncommon within the PU.
Prey within the Predatory Union live among predators. Relationships can form quite easily. The same is with sub-predators and alphas. Familiarity is the main reason for this, but the truth of it all, which we all sometimes forget, lies just under the surface. Unfortunately, I can't get too far into it all without spoiling the story. Just know that the book was quite accurate.
You may find it interesting to hear that b.t. is considered illegal literature within my country. It's still read by the elites though. Prey found with the book are charged with high crimes and usually end up moved into the food market. The reasons for this strange rule is because the book is so truthful that it could cause an upset within the ranks of the prey living within the union. Nothing we could not handle, but it's important to keep some measure of peace.
Even so, there have been some prey given this literature on purpose as a means to gauge their reaction. The results were varied. Some broke out into tears and balled like a baby. Others got angry and began crying out in a cute, little rage. Some were strangely calm about it, as if they already understood the contents of the book. Naturally none of the prey we tested the book on were allowed to reenter the fold and were ultimately processed safely away from their fellow prey.
The Law of Dragons is likely Mr. Tippet's best story ever. I would say the same about b.t. in general if it weren't for the inclusion of Getting Scent-imental. He deserved what he got for writing that. I know we agreed to return him to his home and his blog after his recovery, but I have been fervently requesting that he be transferred back with us to the union. I don't think he should be killed or anything. Buddy is a mixed bag. What he does well, he does very well. What he does wrong makes me want to bite his head off.
I think what would be best would be to make him one of our elite, protected slaves. Put well in his place as such where he'll be used for sex and perhaps abused lightly from time to time. And when he is free of these things, he will be expected to write dragon literature free of all the other rubbish that comes into his pitiful mind. I'd much rather have it this way than just letting him go... with the all too real possibility that he will make another attempt to cast lies and slander upon the great dragon race.
Miss Silky holds the keys to his fate, and I sadly do not think she will release him to us. It is a shame really. There is so much potential in him. All you would need to do is scrape away all the rough edges. Nevertheless, I shall continue to push for it and see if anything comes of it.
As we have been talking about b.t., it would be best to promote it in this week's blog. This information is below. It's dinner time for me. Fully cooked while we stay in Scritch City. I miss the way they would gaze at me moments before I would eat them live. Such a shame. ~Nestor
11.99 - Paperback Edition
5.99 - Kindle Edition
Click here to see the Amazon.com listing of all of his books.
b.t. by Buddy Tippet is a mixed bag. It has some interesting ideas, sometimes thought provoking, but it also has some very unfortunate moments in it of which I found to be compete garbage. The story called Getting Scent-imental is the primary reason we punished Buddy. I suppose I can get into what made that story so dreadful later on. It's looking like I will keep possession of this blog for a while yet.
I would rather talk more about what made b.t. so great. That would be the story called The Law of Dragons. It was a very carefully researched and exists as an accurate portrayal of how the government of the Predatory Union operates. It is direct and honest while still being delivered in the dramatic format of a fiction.
Indeed, the characters represented in the story are all made up. There was a surprising omittance of Prince Ara, which, by the way, does not hinder the story in the slightest. The Law of Dragons is more about how the PU functions and not about its present day political details. This was a bold way to present the story, and I thoroughly approve.
The story centers around a young dragon named Drake. A very generic name for a dragon, to be sure, but I feel the ambiguity gives more than it takes in this situation. In this story, Drake is dating a prey female--a mouse. As preposterous as this seems on the surface, it is not uncommon within the PU.
Prey within the Predatory Union live among predators. Relationships can form quite easily. The same is with sub-predators and alphas. Familiarity is the main reason for this, but the truth of it all, which we all sometimes forget, lies just under the surface. Unfortunately, I can't get too far into it all without spoiling the story. Just know that the book was quite accurate.
You may find it interesting to hear that b.t. is considered illegal literature within my country. It's still read by the elites though. Prey found with the book are charged with high crimes and usually end up moved into the food market. The reasons for this strange rule is because the book is so truthful that it could cause an upset within the ranks of the prey living within the union. Nothing we could not handle, but it's important to keep some measure of peace.
Even so, there have been some prey given this literature on purpose as a means to gauge their reaction. The results were varied. Some broke out into tears and balled like a baby. Others got angry and began crying out in a cute, little rage. Some were strangely calm about it, as if they already understood the contents of the book. Naturally none of the prey we tested the book on were allowed to reenter the fold and were ultimately processed safely away from their fellow prey.
The Law of Dragons is likely Mr. Tippet's best story ever. I would say the same about b.t. in general if it weren't for the inclusion of Getting Scent-imental. He deserved what he got for writing that. I know we agreed to return him to his home and his blog after his recovery, but I have been fervently requesting that he be transferred back with us to the union. I don't think he should be killed or anything. Buddy is a mixed bag. What he does well, he does very well. What he does wrong makes me want to bite his head off.
I think what would be best would be to make him one of our elite, protected slaves. Put well in his place as such where he'll be used for sex and perhaps abused lightly from time to time. And when he is free of these things, he will be expected to write dragon literature free of all the other rubbish that comes into his pitiful mind. I'd much rather have it this way than just letting him go... with the all too real possibility that he will make another attempt to cast lies and slander upon the great dragon race.
Miss Silky holds the keys to his fate, and I sadly do not think she will release him to us. It is a shame really. There is so much potential in him. All you would need to do is scrape away all the rough edges. Nevertheless, I shall continue to push for it and see if anything comes of it.
As we have been talking about b.t., it would be best to promote it in this week's blog. This information is below. It's dinner time for me. Fully cooked while we stay in Scritch City. I miss the way they would gaze at me moments before I would eat them live. Such a shame. ~Nestor
11.99 - Paperback Edition
5.99 - Kindle Edition
Click here to see the Amazon.com listing of all of his books.
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