As I get closer to the finishing of my new book, I have been getting a lot of phone calls from contacts. I think something is coming to Scritch City soon. I suspect it has something to do with the Church of Starry Wisdom. They've recently been given a savior by the name of Calix. I met him, by the way. He's half fox and half stoat. And here's the kicker: He can't wear clothes.
I know how weird that sounds, but it is hilariously true. While I was spending time with the Fairy Ermine followers, we all played a game of "Dress Calix if You Can." Nobody won. And it is a bit difficult to describe what actually is happening when the clothing simply falls off of him. There are aspects of it that seem to defy basic physics. Head holes. Arm holes. I mean... HOW? But still, we saw shirt after shirt fall right down off of him. Nothing was ever torn. Entirely wearable by any one of us.
Naturally, pants would not stay on him for even a second. We all struggled to pull the belt as tightly as we could, but nothing worked. It is funny to imagine how much time we spent down there at his crotch... and how many times his cock just sprung up near all our faces.
I guess the most hilarious aspect of Calix is how he seems so surprised whenever the clothing falls off. "Oh my..." he said at least five times. Probably more. We all laughed. I suppose it is for the best, however. He is far more interesting naked.
Calix is extremely handsome for a mixed breed. He's really the only mix I've actually seen in Scritch City. I'm not even sure mix-breeds are all that plausible. But supposedly Calix is the product of a mortal and an immortal. And yes, I know you may be wondering who the mortal is. I did find that out. I am extending an invitation for the person involved to make a public statement for this blog next week, or else I'll have no choice but to oust him myself. It's getting a bit too public already, and it's just gonna come out sooner or later with or without my help. Either way, I want to be fair.
The Church of Starry Wisdom is not the only news I've been dealing with/hearing about over the last week. Anyone who has been hanging about the Railroad Club lately has probably heard about the imminent arrival of the Dragon Clan. I already know something about these pretty scalies. I even wrote a couple stories about them--one of them I won't mention because I don't want them to kill me.
I actually like dragons a lot. I featured a lot of dragons in my most recent (still unpublished as of 4-29-19) book. I'm hoping I can get an interview with Prince Ara. I heard he loved interviews, and I am sure Miss Silky will pull some strings for me.
Dragon males are some of the most manly beasts on this planet. They exude near flawless masculinity. I really love them and adore the idea of spending some time alone with them. Maybe with my body guards nearby. Just to be safe.
Lastly, I want to thank Shawn O'Toole for stepping up to the plate in the last blog. He defended his position well enough. Nothing I did not expect, but I never shy away from debate. The truth of it all comes down to how very comfortable I am in this city. I'm not too sure where I came from. I often feel like I evolved as an individual from the sludge of the primordial soup into the person I am now within the span of only a year or so. The very first Buddy Tippet blogs are so base and strange. I barely even remember writing them. Was I even human back then? Am I still human now?
Whatever I am, I encourage you to check out my books! In this blog, I shall showcase my most recent publish: Vox Deus. It's a grand epic journey into a vast and dark country filled with sex, drugs, and pleasure. Here is some info:
17.99 - Paperback Edition
5.99 - Kindle Edition
Click here to see the listing of all of my books.
Tuesday, April 30, 2019
Tuesday, April 23, 2019
A Case for Hedonism
I had a private meeting with Baphomet. It was short. Nothing was recorded. Everything was off the record. I do plan on doing something more official later on. He was very accommodating to me at The Tailhole Club. Nothing was imposed, and I say this with the understanding that being imposed upon is a very common thing there. Walking anywhere near that building is like signing a contract that you are open to being subdued. Consent no longer required.
If any of you have seen me meandering about Scritch City, you have seen that I am shadowed by a frenzy of shark women. At least one of them is armed with an assault rifle. Occasionally they've had to act. Most of the time, just having them around is enough to keep most dangers at bay. But I digress. My point is that I tend to go about Scritch City unmolested.
I've said this before, but I want to make it a tad bit clearer about the nature of this city. Scritch City is a city-state which is socially hedonistic politically. In many ways, we are anarchists, but there is still order. The order comes from the two factions centered around two clubs: The Tailhole Club in the west and the Railroad Club in the east. The east is policed by the Scritch City PD and the west is protected by an extremely dangerous group of hyenas on motorcycles called The Sinful Devils. (I use the word "protected" loosely.)
Officially I am a ward of Miss Silky of the Railroad Club. I was put into power by her for no other reason than... she likes me. She does that a lot. If you think on it, that is what hedonism is founded on: doing what you like. Likewise I explore the things I like and indulge.
I had a phone conversation with someone from the neighboring village of Turning Creek. All humans there, by the way. (I think.) Someone there had been scrutinizing my blog and telling me about sin and some sort of day of destruction that I was running full tilt towards. And no matter how much I am told these things, I can't help but come up with two conclusions which completely throws those presumptions into the trash:
1. Hedonism is entirely about obtaining one's happiness.
2. I am actually happy.
I won't name this person on this blog, but I was under the impression that this fellow was not happy in the slightest. It was all fake anyways. Forced smiles. They informed me that everyone from Turning Creek was like that. I have no doubt that, if true, they are all a bunch of pointless people who will live and die with absolutely nothing to show for themselves but limp dicks.
Hedonism is not sin. It is the constant and never-ending pursuit of one's own pleasure. And the best part of it is that there are no rules in how one is allowed to do it. This is something Baphomet spoke so eloquently about. (And believe me, he does not have the voice for it. It is more in his words.)
In our brief conversation, he asked me to consider the "self" and what that word really meant. He told me that there is only one "self," which confused me at first. Are we not many people? Many selves? Baphomet explained that our perspective as "self" is that we are the only thing that matters in the universe. We cannot see out of the eyes of another, therefore the other "selves" may or may not exist. As people, we are what we are, and there is no reason to bother trying to empathize with others outside of the abstract.
The end conclusion is that you are literally the only person in the universe. Everyone else is a construct dedicated to your potential pleasure somehow. This gives you a right to have sex with who you want for no other reason than... you were horny or... it was fun or... because it's Tuesday! We all do it. Officer Dakota did it. The only reason I keep bodyguards around is because some fetishes are a bit too brutal for me.
Granted the context of this singular perspective presented to me by Baphomet is likely not true on its very basic grounds, but I would ask anyone why the fuck is it so wrong to just pretend? I respect others for their beliefs. If we want to believe we are the center of the universe, then so be it. I won't judge anyone on any grounds.
As living, sentient beings, we all just want to have fun in our own way. Hedonism, as a political society, allows for this, and it is absolutely wonderful when there is a ruling class set up to allow it to process so perfectly. I feel so free here! Even the frightening aspects of this city are exciting to me. Scritch City is the absolute best place to live, and I dare any of you to convince me otherwise in the comment section. I'm talking to you, @Shawn O'Toole especially, who seems woefully ignorant and even sometimes goddamn stupid in how he tries to mirror my lifestyles back at me in a manufactured negative light.
We all have a freedom here that is far superior to any other class of government in the world. Everything works. People may die, but we have plenty more on the way. And who really cares about them anyways? How do we even know they existed to begin with? I'm living for the future--not the past. I live for my own pleasure. Fuck everything else!
Interested in a world built around hedonism? Why not try out my new book Vox Deus? Here is some information below. Lots of fap material in there too. Check it out:
17.99 - Paperback Edition
5.99 - Kindle Edition
Click here to see the listing of all of my books.
If any of you have seen me meandering about Scritch City, you have seen that I am shadowed by a frenzy of shark women. At least one of them is armed with an assault rifle. Occasionally they've had to act. Most of the time, just having them around is enough to keep most dangers at bay. But I digress. My point is that I tend to go about Scritch City unmolested.
I've said this before, but I want to make it a tad bit clearer about the nature of this city. Scritch City is a city-state which is socially hedonistic politically. In many ways, we are anarchists, but there is still order. The order comes from the two factions centered around two clubs: The Tailhole Club in the west and the Railroad Club in the east. The east is policed by the Scritch City PD and the west is protected by an extremely dangerous group of hyenas on motorcycles called The Sinful Devils. (I use the word "protected" loosely.)
Officially I am a ward of Miss Silky of the Railroad Club. I was put into power by her for no other reason than... she likes me. She does that a lot. If you think on it, that is what hedonism is founded on: doing what you like. Likewise I explore the things I like and indulge.
I had a phone conversation with someone from the neighboring village of Turning Creek. All humans there, by the way. (I think.) Someone there had been scrutinizing my blog and telling me about sin and some sort of day of destruction that I was running full tilt towards. And no matter how much I am told these things, I can't help but come up with two conclusions which completely throws those presumptions into the trash:
1. Hedonism is entirely about obtaining one's happiness.
2. I am actually happy.
I won't name this person on this blog, but I was under the impression that this fellow was not happy in the slightest. It was all fake anyways. Forced smiles. They informed me that everyone from Turning Creek was like that. I have no doubt that, if true, they are all a bunch of pointless people who will live and die with absolutely nothing to show for themselves but limp dicks.
Hedonism is not sin. It is the constant and never-ending pursuit of one's own pleasure. And the best part of it is that there are no rules in how one is allowed to do it. This is something Baphomet spoke so eloquently about. (And believe me, he does not have the voice for it. It is more in his words.)
In our brief conversation, he asked me to consider the "self" and what that word really meant. He told me that there is only one "self," which confused me at first. Are we not many people? Many selves? Baphomet explained that our perspective as "self" is that we are the only thing that matters in the universe. We cannot see out of the eyes of another, therefore the other "selves" may or may not exist. As people, we are what we are, and there is no reason to bother trying to empathize with others outside of the abstract.
The end conclusion is that you are literally the only person in the universe. Everyone else is a construct dedicated to your potential pleasure somehow. This gives you a right to have sex with who you want for no other reason than... you were horny or... it was fun or... because it's Tuesday! We all do it. Officer Dakota did it. The only reason I keep bodyguards around is because some fetishes are a bit too brutal for me.
Granted the context of this singular perspective presented to me by Baphomet is likely not true on its very basic grounds, but I would ask anyone why the fuck is it so wrong to just pretend? I respect others for their beliefs. If we want to believe we are the center of the universe, then so be it. I won't judge anyone on any grounds.
As living, sentient beings, we all just want to have fun in our own way. Hedonism, as a political society, allows for this, and it is absolutely wonderful when there is a ruling class set up to allow it to process so perfectly. I feel so free here! Even the frightening aspects of this city are exciting to me. Scritch City is the absolute best place to live, and I dare any of you to convince me otherwise in the comment section. I'm talking to you, @Shawn O'Toole especially, who seems woefully ignorant and even sometimes goddamn stupid in how he tries to mirror my lifestyles back at me in a manufactured negative light.
We all have a freedom here that is far superior to any other class of government in the world. Everything works. People may die, but we have plenty more on the way. And who really cares about them anyways? How do we even know they existed to begin with? I'm living for the future--not the past. I live for my own pleasure. Fuck everything else!
Interested in a world built around hedonism? Why not try out my new book Vox Deus? Here is some information below. Lots of fap material in there too. Check it out:
17.99 - Paperback Edition
5.99 - Kindle Edition
Click here to see the listing of all of my books.
Tuesday, April 16, 2019
Deep Throat at Warp World!
If I don't write this right now, I'll get stuck doing something else. I've been thinking about vore (vorarephilia) for weeks now. This is of course a fetish having to do with the act of eating someone... or being eaten by someone. There has been a bit of talk concerning vore lately, and I am pretty sure this was all sparked by the new ride at Warp World which is Scritch City's very own theme park.
The new and rather bold ride called Deep Throat (haha) was anything but a sexual joke. It is actually a rather startling and surprisingly realistic water slide journey into... the depths of a dragon's belly. It's scary how much work the engineers of the park put into this thing.
If you've been living in Scritch City within the last few months, you've probably seen the TV adverts. It all looked kind of fake, but the presentation was pretty amazing. We thought that it would still be fun. Warp World usually has some pretty cool rides... if not a bit short. (Seriously? An hour wait for a three minute ride?)
What we actually discovered was a very startling and frightening ride that makes you feel like you are being swallowed whole. There was a point in the ride where I actually thought the whole thing had been a trick... and I had actually been swallowed by... something. A lot of the fear comes from when you get to the belly and everything... just... stops. You can stand up (a bit) and slide around trying to find a way out. Well, a way out doesn't happen for nearly five minutes which feels more like ten. I've heard a lot of people say that.
Only after all that time goes by does the secondary chute open up and you come falling down into a pool covered in slime. My first time reaction was much like everyone else's. We were all just shocked at the realism. The way everything sounded and felt. The heartbeat sound was particularly disheartening. Apparently the designer, a dragon named Gershwin, went into the project hands on. And I gotta wonder where his own fascinations lie.
This ride sort of brought about a very strange cult following. Fans of vore flock to this ride to experience it's unique trip into the insides of a huge dragon. The lines are unbearable lately, causing waits of up to three and a half hours! Warp World has even obliged people's requests to experience the ride in the nude. Not surprising actually, if you consider how Scritch City functions. We are all hedonists after all.
So having experienced this ride, I ended up getting very inspired. I've been writing a book about vore and sharing the chapters over the phone with The Railroad Club's Miss Silky. She has been enjoying most of the stories therein. She can be critical about some things.
I have done vore stuff in earlier books, but I think Deep Throat really set off a spark. I love the idea of being slurped up by something large. It tweaks my submissive side really hard. The idea that you may be nothing but food. It's hypnotic.
I am hoping to have an interview with Gershwin soon. I am super interested in hearing about his own inspirations and also if he has more planned rides in the future. Of course, I'm never sure what each week will bring. Will be meeting with the Church of Starry Wisdom soon. Possibly getting back together with my crux boyfriend. Also an invite to sit with Baphomet himself. I'm so incredibly busy. I kind of wish I could split myself up.
Anyways, I highly recommend you visit Warp World soon if you are in the Scritch City area. Just follow the signs. They are everywhere. Try to get there early (around 7AM) so that you won't have a long wait for Deep Throat. They have been keeping a separate line in the front of the park for those who are going to B-line it to that ride in particular.
Also if you are a fan of vore, check out my first published book ever, Pack Rats of The Inside. Lots of nasty, slurpy stuff inside that one. There is some information below. Keep reading this blog on updates for my upcoming vore book!
$9.99 - Paperback Edition
$5.99 - Kindle Edition
Click here to see the listing of all of my books.
The new and rather bold ride called Deep Throat (haha) was anything but a sexual joke. It is actually a rather startling and surprisingly realistic water slide journey into... the depths of a dragon's belly. It's scary how much work the engineers of the park put into this thing.
If you've been living in Scritch City within the last few months, you've probably seen the TV adverts. It all looked kind of fake, but the presentation was pretty amazing. We thought that it would still be fun. Warp World usually has some pretty cool rides... if not a bit short. (Seriously? An hour wait for a three minute ride?)
What we actually discovered was a very startling and frightening ride that makes you feel like you are being swallowed whole. There was a point in the ride where I actually thought the whole thing had been a trick... and I had actually been swallowed by... something. A lot of the fear comes from when you get to the belly and everything... just... stops. You can stand up (a bit) and slide around trying to find a way out. Well, a way out doesn't happen for nearly five minutes which feels more like ten. I've heard a lot of people say that.
Only after all that time goes by does the secondary chute open up and you come falling down into a pool covered in slime. My first time reaction was much like everyone else's. We were all just shocked at the realism. The way everything sounded and felt. The heartbeat sound was particularly disheartening. Apparently the designer, a dragon named Gershwin, went into the project hands on. And I gotta wonder where his own fascinations lie.
This ride sort of brought about a very strange cult following. Fans of vore flock to this ride to experience it's unique trip into the insides of a huge dragon. The lines are unbearable lately, causing waits of up to three and a half hours! Warp World has even obliged people's requests to experience the ride in the nude. Not surprising actually, if you consider how Scritch City functions. We are all hedonists after all.
So having experienced this ride, I ended up getting very inspired. I've been writing a book about vore and sharing the chapters over the phone with The Railroad Club's Miss Silky. She has been enjoying most of the stories therein. She can be critical about some things.
I have done vore stuff in earlier books, but I think Deep Throat really set off a spark. I love the idea of being slurped up by something large. It tweaks my submissive side really hard. The idea that you may be nothing but food. It's hypnotic.
I am hoping to have an interview with Gershwin soon. I am super interested in hearing about his own inspirations and also if he has more planned rides in the future. Of course, I'm never sure what each week will bring. Will be meeting with the Church of Starry Wisdom soon. Possibly getting back together with my crux boyfriend. Also an invite to sit with Baphomet himself. I'm so incredibly busy. I kind of wish I could split myself up.
Anyways, I highly recommend you visit Warp World soon if you are in the Scritch City area. Just follow the signs. They are everywhere. Try to get there early (around 7AM) so that you won't have a long wait for Deep Throat. They have been keeping a separate line in the front of the park for those who are going to B-line it to that ride in particular.
Also if you are a fan of vore, check out my first published book ever, Pack Rats of The Inside. Lots of nasty, slurpy stuff inside that one. There is some information below. Keep reading this blog on updates for my upcoming vore book!
$9.99 - Paperback Edition
$5.99 - Kindle Edition
Click here to see the listing of all of my books.
Tuesday, April 9, 2019
The Church of Starry Wisdom
I actually had this whole blog I was going to write about vorarephilia, but I got a few emails that I did not expect. Threw off my whole blogging schedule. I was asked to post on my blog about some Starry Wisdom news. If you don't already know, the Church of Starry Wisdom refers to the gathering of followers of the Fairy Ermine. From what I understand, a goodly portion of these persons are into cosplay. I've actually been interested in it myself, having written a story about the deity (published in b.t.). I was planning on attending the church myself with sincere interest in their beliefs.
Anyways! I had a conversation with someone one of the church's regulars. He insisted that we set up a video call (something I almost never do.) I set it up on my computer and soon we were looking at each other. I was a little bit shocked at what I saw. I thought I was face to face with Judy Hopps from Zootopia. The bunny I was speaking with was actually Jerry, a male rabbit who fancied cosplaying as Judy from the movie. Yes, it was entirely for sexual reasons. And I have to admit, he was amazing at it for him being a legit male.
Apparently there is also a cosplayer for Nick Wilde and... Nick's... mom. I did not even know Nick's mom was in the movie, but Judy... Oops! I mean... Jerry assured me there was a brief scene with her in it that most people overlook. My interest in the church only heightened at all of this.
Jerry and I talked for a while, but he actually had a pre-written statement he wanted me to post. It seems so many people are using me to make statements, but I suppose that is how this blog is evolving. The following is the statement Jerry handed off to me which is direct from the Church of Starry Wisdom's leadership:
Attention, Scritch City! The Church of Starry Wisdom has moved to a new location in order to be with Calix, the wonderful son of our beautiful and eternally sexy Fairy Ermine. We welcome all visitors, even those who are just curious, to F2 Ursa Rd. found in the Moonfall Point division in northeast Scritch City.
We have a full week of cosplaying events. If you are a fan of a particular character from a movie or cartoon, feel free to show up in full costume. We do not judge on species, gender, or sexual preferences. Tell us about your fantasy and we will see if we can help you live it out in some manner.
If you just want to show up for sex, that's okay too. We are all very friendly and simply enjoy having fun. No pressure, but also no limits! Hope to see you there! Praise the Fairy Ermine! Praise her son! And praise the father!
~Elsie AKA @ottergirlcock on SCIM (CSW RHP)
I think I will go to one of their meetings. If anything just to see what it's all about. Jerry was super nice too. I couldn't get over how much like Judy he really looked like. I mean... you could see he was male, but he just looked so much like her otherwise. And honestly I like the whole concept of the Fairy Ermine to begin with.
Now, I had absolutely no idea about her having a son (Calix). The father was mentioned too. I have no idea who he is either. I'm sure that will come out soon though! How can such a thing be kept a secret for very long? I'll let you know what I find out.
On to other news: I received a response from Quentin as to the claims made by my friend Elliot and his pet Coonus. I promised him that I would post it on the blog. So here you go:
The difficulty with making a response to Elliot's statements is in how craftily he has worded them. His assertion boils down to the idea that I essentially have a split personality that I am unable to perceive. If I have no capacity to know of it, how can I confirm or deny it? How can I even prove such a thing or be proven wrong? Anyone could have such accusations made about them and have a challenge attempting to refute them. Hypothetically I could allow you to interview people close to me to prove or disprove it. However, I will not. As I have made clear, I want my privacy. I do not believe [that] Elliot's unproven claims warrant sacrificing more of it.
In response to Coonus, that's quite the means of thanking the guy who removed the bomb planted in your skull, and got his car damaged for it.
I'm always a tad uncomfortable when dealing with Quentin and things going on in his life. What's all this about a bomb? Honestly, I don't know what to make of any of this. I'll call this one a draw and pass it up until I get new material.
I'll do what I can to get to that vorarephilia blog next week. At this point, I usually promote one of my books. How about Pack Rats of the Inside? This is a deep and dark journey into the depths of... Well, I'm not sure where I was when I wrote it. Supposedly I was in a place called Railroad Towers at the time. Anyways, here is the cover, a trailer, and some information on how to purchase yourself a copy:
$9.99 - Paperback Edition
$5.99 - Kindle Edition
Click here to see the listing of all of my books.
Anyways! I had a conversation with someone one of the church's regulars. He insisted that we set up a video call (something I almost never do.) I set it up on my computer and soon we were looking at each other. I was a little bit shocked at what I saw. I thought I was face to face with Judy Hopps from Zootopia. The bunny I was speaking with was actually Jerry, a male rabbit who fancied cosplaying as Judy from the movie. Yes, it was entirely for sexual reasons. And I have to admit, he was amazing at it for him being a legit male.
Apparently there is also a cosplayer for Nick Wilde and... Nick's... mom. I did not even know Nick's mom was in the movie, but Judy... Oops! I mean... Jerry assured me there was a brief scene with her in it that most people overlook. My interest in the church only heightened at all of this.
Jerry and I talked for a while, but he actually had a pre-written statement he wanted me to post. It seems so many people are using me to make statements, but I suppose that is how this blog is evolving. The following is the statement Jerry handed off to me which is direct from the Church of Starry Wisdom's leadership:
Attention, Scritch City! The Church of Starry Wisdom has moved to a new location in order to be with Calix, the wonderful son of our beautiful and eternally sexy Fairy Ermine. We welcome all visitors, even those who are just curious, to F2 Ursa Rd. found in the Moonfall Point division in northeast Scritch City.
We have a full week of cosplaying events. If you are a fan of a particular character from a movie or cartoon, feel free to show up in full costume. We do not judge on species, gender, or sexual preferences. Tell us about your fantasy and we will see if we can help you live it out in some manner.
If you just want to show up for sex, that's okay too. We are all very friendly and simply enjoy having fun. No pressure, but also no limits! Hope to see you there! Praise the Fairy Ermine! Praise her son! And praise the father!
~Elsie AKA @ottergirlcock on SCIM (CSW RHP)
I think I will go to one of their meetings. If anything just to see what it's all about. Jerry was super nice too. I couldn't get over how much like Judy he really looked like. I mean... you could see he was male, but he just looked so much like her otherwise. And honestly I like the whole concept of the Fairy Ermine to begin with.
Now, I had absolutely no idea about her having a son (Calix). The father was mentioned too. I have no idea who he is either. I'm sure that will come out soon though! How can such a thing be kept a secret for very long? I'll let you know what I find out.
On to other news: I received a response from Quentin as to the claims made by my friend Elliot and his pet Coonus. I promised him that I would post it on the blog. So here you go:
The difficulty with making a response to Elliot's statements is in how craftily he has worded them. His assertion boils down to the idea that I essentially have a split personality that I am unable to perceive. If I have no capacity to know of it, how can I confirm or deny it? How can I even prove such a thing or be proven wrong? Anyone could have such accusations made about them and have a challenge attempting to refute them. Hypothetically I could allow you to interview people close to me to prove or disprove it. However, I will not. As I have made clear, I want my privacy. I do not believe [that] Elliot's unproven claims warrant sacrificing more of it.
In response to Coonus, that's quite the means of thanking the guy who removed the bomb planted in your skull, and got his car damaged for it.
I'm always a tad uncomfortable when dealing with Quentin and things going on in his life. What's all this about a bomb? Honestly, I don't know what to make of any of this. I'll call this one a draw and pass it up until I get new material.
I'll do what I can to get to that vorarephilia blog next week. At this point, I usually promote one of my books. How about Pack Rats of the Inside? This is a deep and dark journey into the depths of... Well, I'm not sure where I was when I wrote it. Supposedly I was in a place called Railroad Towers at the time. Anyways, here is the cover, a trailer, and some information on how to purchase yourself a copy:
$9.99 - Paperback Edition
$5.99 - Kindle Edition
Click here to see the listing of all of my books.
Tuesday, April 2, 2019
Two New Friends
I was recently approached outside of the Railroad Club by two odd fellows. They claimed to be good friends of Quentin and wanted to be friends with me. After a brief exchange of details, we soon hit it off and ended up spending a night together. We played video games for a few hours before a short time in bed just talking for a while... as well as a few other things.
Elliot is a dragon and he has a very small raccoon companion named Coonus. The tall seems to lead the small, but willingly. Coonus seems to be a masochist who lets his master mistreat him quite sharply with very little aftercare, if any at all. During our video game playing, if Coonus would beat Elliot in a fighting game, I would see a beating so terrible that I was pretty sure I had just witnessed a murder. And maybe I did! But Coonus has a strange ability to regenerate back to normal after being hurt.
Another interesting thing about Coonus is that he is extremely wired and wild in the way he acts. He is jumpy and screams a lot when he gets the mood. I suppose it would take someone like Elliot to keep him under control. I just never expected to see such violence and anger coming from the master. I asked Elliot about that. This was his response:
"He likes it. He may not have liked it when I started beating him, but the point is that he likes it now. Coonus is just an idiot that knows his place in the world. And that place is to be my own personal lackey."
I then asked Elliot about his relationship with Quentin. I told him that I still held the green fox's security in mind and that I could not post certain things. His response:
"Quentin is a good guy... if you understand him like I do. I hang out with him a lot. Sometimes we share a girl. Me and Quent love girls. We love fucking them together. Fucked a bunny pretty hard just the other day. Would have stayed longer but he ended up having car trouble. I paid for it because I'm such a nice guy.
"The only thing about Quentin is that... Well... He is a sort of acquired personality. You got to know him up close and personal if you really want to understand his motives. I know he doesn't know it himself, but there's a sort of crazy to him. You can't always trust what he says at face value. You have to interpret it. As far as I know, I'm the only guy who can do that. If he says anything to anyone else, you might as well just consider it to be a lie."
I was not sure how to take this. I thought Quentin seemed pretty genuine. Elliot's response:
"I don't blame you. I mean... In many ways, Quentin is a sociopath. He even believes the things he is saying. But the truth is that he is two people, and only I know the truth about what is real and what isn't. Without being able to interpret him, he's actually a pretty dangerous guy. In fact, I am surprised you haven't gotten into some trouble talking to him. Have you considered buying more locks for your door? I know a guy.
"I'll be honest. I like Quentin. I want to be a part of his life. But it's always gonna be a struggle when you consider how mad he really is. In my opinion, you should never trust him outright. Let me deal with Quentin. We'll all be safer that way. I know him. I'm his friend. I'll take better care of him than anyone in Scritch City."
I was a bit lost for words. I simply asked him if there was anything else he wanted me to know. His reply:
"His mom is smokin' hot. I'm pretty sure he has got a thing going on with her. Maybe I'll join him someday."
I then asked Coonus if there was any official statement he wanted to make for this blog. The raccoon grabbed my recorder and said the following:
"I'm gonna fuck your mom in her ass and make her lick my coon dick clean afterwards, you fucking green dickweed."
A moment after he recorded this extremely inappropriate statement, Elliot ripped the recorder out of his hands and began to smash his face into the floor. I asked if I should delete what he said, but the dragon told me I could post it if I wanted. And so I did. I extend an invitation to Quentin as I feel he has a right to respond.
I want to also promote my new book Vox Deus which has been selling recently. This is a very large book but filled to the brim with WAY more kinks and fetishes than I could list on the cover. Here is some information for you:
17.99 - Paperback Edition
5.99 - Kindle Edition
Click here to see the listing of all of my books.
Elliot is a dragon and he has a very small raccoon companion named Coonus. The tall seems to lead the small, but willingly. Coonus seems to be a masochist who lets his master mistreat him quite sharply with very little aftercare, if any at all. During our video game playing, if Coonus would beat Elliot in a fighting game, I would see a beating so terrible that I was pretty sure I had just witnessed a murder. And maybe I did! But Coonus has a strange ability to regenerate back to normal after being hurt.
Another interesting thing about Coonus is that he is extremely wired and wild in the way he acts. He is jumpy and screams a lot when he gets the mood. I suppose it would take someone like Elliot to keep him under control. I just never expected to see such violence and anger coming from the master. I asked Elliot about that. This was his response:
"He likes it. He may not have liked it when I started beating him, but the point is that he likes it now. Coonus is just an idiot that knows his place in the world. And that place is to be my own personal lackey."
I then asked Elliot about his relationship with Quentin. I told him that I still held the green fox's security in mind and that I could not post certain things. His response:
"Quentin is a good guy... if you understand him like I do. I hang out with him a lot. Sometimes we share a girl. Me and Quent love girls. We love fucking them together. Fucked a bunny pretty hard just the other day. Would have stayed longer but he ended up having car trouble. I paid for it because I'm such a nice guy.
"The only thing about Quentin is that... Well... He is a sort of acquired personality. You got to know him up close and personal if you really want to understand his motives. I know he doesn't know it himself, but there's a sort of crazy to him. You can't always trust what he says at face value. You have to interpret it. As far as I know, I'm the only guy who can do that. If he says anything to anyone else, you might as well just consider it to be a lie."
I was not sure how to take this. I thought Quentin seemed pretty genuine. Elliot's response:
"I don't blame you. I mean... In many ways, Quentin is a sociopath. He even believes the things he is saying. But the truth is that he is two people, and only I know the truth about what is real and what isn't. Without being able to interpret him, he's actually a pretty dangerous guy. In fact, I am surprised you haven't gotten into some trouble talking to him. Have you considered buying more locks for your door? I know a guy.
"I'll be honest. I like Quentin. I want to be a part of his life. But it's always gonna be a struggle when you consider how mad he really is. In my opinion, you should never trust him outright. Let me deal with Quentin. We'll all be safer that way. I know him. I'm his friend. I'll take better care of him than anyone in Scritch City."
I was a bit lost for words. I simply asked him if there was anything else he wanted me to know. His reply:
"His mom is smokin' hot. I'm pretty sure he has got a thing going on with her. Maybe I'll join him someday."
I then asked Coonus if there was any official statement he wanted to make for this blog. The raccoon grabbed my recorder and said the following:
"I'm gonna fuck your mom in her ass and make her lick my coon dick clean afterwards, you fucking green dickweed."
A moment after he recorded this extremely inappropriate statement, Elliot ripped the recorder out of his hands and began to smash his face into the floor. I asked if I should delete what he said, but the dragon told me I could post it if I wanted. And so I did. I extend an invitation to Quentin as I feel he has a right to respond.
I want to also promote my new book Vox Deus which has been selling recently. This is a very large book but filled to the brim with WAY more kinks and fetishes than I could list on the cover. Here is some information for you:
17.99 - Paperback Edition
5.99 - Kindle Edition
Click here to see the listing of all of my books.
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From Calix: It has been such a long time. And yet, it feels as if it was only moments ago that you were here with me. Have you forgotten? Ha...
Hello! I'm living in Scritch City now. And with my life comes a very notable agenda. I am in search for something called Context. I thou...
Indeed, the title of this fetish can be misunderstood. It could easily mean that your penis could change shape. Naturally there is a fetish ...