My name is Vixxie. I'm the wife of Buddy the rat who is the God of the multiverse. He used to be Surly the old goat, which is how I first met him, but he recently changed. (Gosh, this is so weird to type right now. Easier than I thought it would be, but still.)
Anyways, because of a sudden and somewhat awkward incident involving a creature which I can't exactly talk about right now... Buddy is gone. He's just gone. He'll probably come back, but right now he's gone. I'm currently in Freiheit in a very abandoned Crossroads Academy. You might have no idea what that is if you haven't read my book "Pure Potential," but it is what it is.
I am here with a few friends of mine: Risto the jackal, Leeto the cock-sucking bat, Clara the talking dear plushie, and Fluke the tanuki seems to be floating around a little. There are some rats here who have taken the place over. It all seems like everything went apocalyptic around here. We had to get away from where Buddy was because we might have been in danger. My safety is actually really important... for Buddy's sake.
And here comes the weird part. I'm actually the acting avatar of God right now. Hi. Yes, I am basically Buddy, but quite also actually Vixxie. I'm writing all this through her while Buddy-Actual is temporarily indisposed. By the way, I fucking love being female. All these guys are looking at me and stuff. I'm a total perv for it. It's great.
The rats set us up with a room, and I got the laptop set up here so I can keep working on stuff. It is actually a semi-hostile environment, I admit. I'm not too afraid. I am a little afraid. Mainly because bad things could happen to me, although I don't think I'd be killed or anything. It's just that the rats are all staring at me, calling me merchandise and stuff. It's hot. (Actually, its pretty cold, at least on the outside.)
Anyways, that's all I got for you (mostly). Risto is looking out for me, and Leeto is being a slut as usual. It's all good. I don't actually know what is happening in Scritch City right now. We all sort of left in a hurry. The creature that was going after Buddy was sort of fucking with the continuity of that universe. Like... it was literally cheating the laws of narration, so there was no point in sticking around.
If I can put that into better perspective, imagine if a creature, a monster if you will, was able to keep rewriting the story from the outside so that there was nothing you could do--like delete characters such. You can deal with something like that, but it is a real trial and not something we really wanted to handle at the moment. That's why we got out, leaving Buddy behind to pretty much just get subdued by it. But I am here... and I am Vixxie. I am standing in as avatar of God, while the rat has probably bad things happening to him.
And don't worry about Vixxie. I am Vixxie. I'm kind of both right now. Sorry if this is still confusing. I don't think I had a better way of explaining it. Either way, I am on an adventure now, and I'll do my best to keep communicating. Thanks for reading!